const keys = Object.keys function identity(value) { return value } function isBoolean(val) { return typeof val === "boolean" } function isElement(val) { return val && typeof val.nodeType === "number" } function isString(val) { return typeof val === "string" } function isNumber(val) { return typeof val === "number" } function isObject(val) { return typeof val === "object" ? val !== null : isFunction(val) } function isFunction(val) { return typeof val === "function" } function isComponentClass(Component) { const prototype = Component.prototype return !!(prototype && prototype.isReactComponent) } function isArrayLike(obj) { return isObject(obj) && typeof obj.length === "number" && typeof obj.nodeType !== "number" } function forEach(value, fn) { if (!value) return for (const key of keys(value)) { fn(value[key], key) } } function createRef() { return Object.seal({ current: null, }) } function isRef(maybeRef) { return isObject(maybeRef) && "current" in maybeRef } function useMemo(factory) { return factory() } const SVGNamespace = "" function isVisibleChild(value) { return !isBoolean(value) && value != null } function className(value) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { return" ") } else if (isObject(value)) { return keys(value) .filter(k => value[k]) .join(" ") } else if (isVisibleChild(value)) { return "" + value } else { return "" } } function createFactory(tag) { return createElement.bind(null, tag) } function Fragment(attr) { const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment() appendChild(attr.children, fragment) return fragment } function Component(props) { this.props = props } Object.defineProperties(Component.prototype, { isReactComponent: { value: true, }, render: { value() { return null }, }, }) function jsx(tag, { children, ...attr }) { let node if (isString(tag)) { node = attr.namespaceURI ? document.createElementNS(attr.namespaceURI, tag) : document.createElement(tag) attributes(attr, node) appendChild(children, node) } else if (isFunction(tag)) { if (isObject(tag.defaultProps)) { attr = { ...tag.defaultProps, ...attr } } node = isComponentClass(tag) ? new tag({ ...tag.defaultProps, ...attr, children }).render() : tag({ ...attr, children }) } if (isRef(attr.ref)) { attr.ref.current = node } else if (isFunction(attr.ref)) { attr.ref(node) } return node } function createElement(tag, attr, ...children) { if (isString(attr) || Array.isArray(attr)) { children.unshift(attr) attr = {} } attr = attr || {} if (attr.children != null && !children.length) { ;({ children, ...attr } = attr) } return jsx(tag, { ...attr, children }, attr.key) } function appendChild(child, node) { if (isArrayLike(child)) { appendChildren(child, node) } else if (isString(child) || isNumber(child)) { appendChildToNode(document.createTextNode(child), node) } else if (child === null) { appendChildToNode(document.createComment(""), node) } else if (isElement(child)) { appendChildToNode(child, node) } } function appendChildren(children, node) { for (const child of [...children]) { appendChild(child, node) } return node } function appendChildToNode(child, node) { if (node instanceof window.HTMLTemplateElement) { node.content.appendChild(child) } else { node.appendChild(child) } } function attribute(key, value, node) { switch (key) { case "htmlFor": attr(node, "for", value) return case "dataset": forEach(value, (dataValue, dataKey) => { if (dataValue != null) { node.dataset[dataKey] = dataValue } }) return case "innerHTML": case "innerText": case "textContent": node[key] = value return case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML": if (isObject(value)) { node.innerHTML = value["__html"] } return case "spellCheck": node.spellcheck = value return case "class": case "className": if (isFunction(value)) { value(node) } else { attr(node, "class", className(value)) } return case "ref": case "namespaceURI": return case "style": if (isObject(value)) { forEach(value, (val, key) => {[key] = val }) return } } if (isFunction(value)) { if (key[0] === "o" && key[1] === "n") { const attribute = key.toLowerCase() if (node[attribute] == null) { node[attribute] = value } else { node.addEventListener(key, value) } } } else if (value === true) { attr(node, key, "") } else if (value !== false && value != null) { attr(node, key, value) } } function attr(node, key, value) { node.setAttribute(key, value) } function attributes(attr, node) { for (const key of keys(attr)) { attribute(key, attr[key], node) } return node } function useText(initialValue) { const text = new Text() Object.defineProperty(text, "toString", { value() { return this.textContent }, }) function setText(value) { text.textContent = value } if (initialValue != null) { setText(initialValue) } return [text, setText] } function useClassList(initialValue) { const div = document.createElement("div") if (initialValue != null) { div.className = className(initialValue) } let list = div.classList function ClassList(value) { value.setAttribute("class", list.value) list = value.classList } Object.defineProperties( ClassList, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors({ get size() { return list.length }, get value() { return list.value }, add(...tokens) { list.add(...tokens) }, remove(...tokens) { list.remove(...tokens) }, toggle(token, force) { list.toggle(token, force) }, contains(token) { return list.contains(token) }, }) ) return ClassList } var index = { createElement, Fragment, Component, } function preventDefault(event) { event.preventDefault() return event } function stopPropagation(event) { event.stopPropagation() return event } export default index export { Component, Fragment, SVGNamespace, className, createElement, createFactory, createRef, createElement as h, isRef, jsx, jsx as jsxs, identity as memo, preventDefault, stopPropagation, identity as useCallback, useClassList, useMemo, createRef as useRef, useText, }