/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Florent Cailhol @ooflorent */ "use strict"; const { ConcatSource } = require("webpack-sources"); /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").Source} Source */ /** @typedef {import("./Generator").GenerateContext} GenerateContext */ /** * @param {InitFragment} fragment the init fragment * @param {number} index index * @returns {[InitFragment, number]} tuple with both */ const extractFragmentIndex = (fragment, index) => [fragment, index]; /** * @param {[InitFragment, number]} a first pair * @param {[InitFragment, number]} b second pair * @returns {number} sort value */ const sortFragmentWithIndex = ([a, i], [b, j]) => { const stageCmp = a.stage - b.stage; if (stageCmp !== 0) return stageCmp; const positionCmp = a.position - b.position; if (positionCmp !== 0) return positionCmp; return i - j; }; class InitFragment { /** * @param {string|Source} content the source code that will be included as initialization code * @param {number} stage category of initialization code (contribute to order) * @param {number} position position in the category (contribute to order) * @param {string=} key unique key to avoid emitting the same initialization code twice * @param {string|Source=} endContent the source code that will be included at the end of the module */ constructor(content, stage, position, key, endContent) { this.content = content; this.stage = stage; this.position = position; this.key = key; this.endContent = endContent; } /** * @param {GenerateContext} generateContext context for generate * @returns {string|Source} the source code that will be included as initialization code */ getContent(generateContext) { return this.content; } /** * @param {GenerateContext} generateContext context for generate * @returns {string|Source=} the source code that will be included at the end of the module */ getEndContent(generateContext) { return this.endContent; } static addToSource(source, initFragments, generateContext) { if (initFragments.length > 0) { // Sort fragments by position. If 2 fragments have the same position, // use their index. const sortedFragments = initFragments .map(extractFragmentIndex) .sort(sortFragmentWithIndex); // Deduplicate fragments. If a fragment has no key, it is always included. const keyedFragments = new Map(); for (const [fragment] of sortedFragments) { if (typeof fragment.mergeAll === "function") { if (!fragment.key) { throw new Error( `InitFragment with mergeAll function must have a valid key: ${fragment.constructor.name}` ); } const oldValue = keyedFragments.get(fragment.key); if (oldValue === undefined) { keyedFragments.set(fragment.key, fragment); } else if (Array.isArray(oldValue)) { oldValue.push(fragment); } else { keyedFragments.set(fragment.key, [oldValue, fragment]); } continue; } else if (typeof fragment.merge === "function") { const oldValue = keyedFragments.get(fragment.key); if (oldValue !== undefined) { keyedFragments.set(fragment.key, fragment.merge(oldValue)); continue; } } keyedFragments.set(fragment.key || Symbol(), fragment); } const concatSource = new ConcatSource(); const endContents = []; for (let fragment of keyedFragments.values()) { if (Array.isArray(fragment)) { fragment = fragment[0].mergeAll(fragment); } concatSource.add(fragment.getContent(generateContext)); const endContent = fragment.getEndContent(generateContext); if (endContent) { endContents.push(endContent); } } concatSource.add(source); for (const content of endContents.reverse()) { concatSource.add(content); } return concatSource; } else { return source; } } } InitFragment.prototype.merge = undefined; InitFragment.STAGE_CONSTANTS = 10; InitFragment.STAGE_ASYNC_BOUNDARY = 20; InitFragment.STAGE_HARMONY_EXPORTS = 30; InitFragment.STAGE_HARMONY_IMPORTS = 40; InitFragment.STAGE_PROVIDES = 50; InitFragment.STAGE_ASYNC_DEPENDENCIES = 60; InitFragment.STAGE_ASYNC_HARMONY_IMPORTS = 70; module.exports = InitFragment;