use crate::db::errors::{DataError, MigrationError}; use crate::db::migrations::{get_migration_version, Migrations}; use crate::db::variables::Variables; use log::info; use sled::Db; use std::path::Path; pub mod data_migrations; pub mod errors; pub mod migrations; pub mod schema; pub mod variables; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Database { db: Db, pub(crate) variables: Variables, pub(crate) migrations: Migrations, } impl Database { pub fn new>(path: P) -> Result { let db = sled::open(path)?; let variables = db.open_tree("variables")?; let migrations = db.open_tree("migrations")?; Ok(Database { db: db.clone(), variables: Variables(variables), migrations: Migrations(migrations), }) } pub fn migrate(&self, to_version: u32) -> Result<(), DataError> { //get version from db let db_version = get_migration_version(&self)?; if db_version < to_version { info!( "Migrating database from version {} to version {}", db_version, to_version ); //if db version < to_version, proceed //produce range of db_version+1 .. to_version (inclusive) let versions_to_run: Vec = ((db_version + 1)..=to_version).collect(); let migrations = data_migrations::get_migrations(&versions_to_run)?; //execute each closure. for (version, migration_func) in versions_to_run.iter().zip(migrations) { //This needs to be transactional on migrations //keyspace. abort on migration func error. info!("Applying migration: {}", version); match migration_func(&self) { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(e) => Err(e), }?; self.migrations.set_migration_version(*version)?; } info!("Done applying migrations."); Ok(()) } else if db_version > to_version { //if db version > to_version, cannot downgrade error Err(MigrationError::CannotDowngrade.into()) } else { //if db version == to_version, do nothing info!("No database migrations needed."); Ok(()) } } }