use crate::context::{Context, RoomContext}; use crate::db::sqlite::Database; use crate::error::BotError; use crate::logic; use crate::matrix; use crate::{ commands::{execute_command, ExecutionResult, ResponseExtractor}, models::Account, }; use futures::stream::{self, StreamExt}; use matrix_sdk::{ self, identifiers::{EventId, RoomId}, room::Joined, Client, }; use std::clone::Clone; use std::convert::TryFrom; /// Handle responding to a single command being executed. Wil print /// out the full result of that command. pub(super) async fn handle_single_result( client: &Client, cmd_result: &ExecutionResult, respond_to: &str, room: &Joined, event_id: EventId, ) { let html = cmd_result.message_html(respond_to); let plain = cmd_result.message_plain(respond_to); matrix::send_message(client, room.room_id(), (&html, &plain), Some(event_id)).await; } /// Format failure messages nicely in either HTML or plain text. If /// plain is true, plain-text will be returned. Otherwise, formatted /// HTML. fn format_failures( errors: &[(&str, &BotError)], commands_executed: usize, respond_to: &str, plain: bool, ) -> String { let respond_to = match plain { true => respond_to.to_owned(), false => format!( "{}", respond_to, respond_to ), }; let failures: Vec = errors .iter() .map(|&(cmd, err)| format!("{}: {}", cmd, err)) .collect(); let message = format!( "{}: Executed {} commands ({} failed)\n\nFailures:\n{}", respond_to, commands_executed, errors.len(), failures.join("\n") ) .replace("\n", "
"); match plain { true => html2text::from_read(message.as_bytes(), message.len()), false => message, } } /// Handle responding to multiple commands being executed. Will print /// out how many commands succeeded and failed (if any failed). pub(super) async fn handle_multiple_results( client: &Client, results: &[(String, ExecutionResult)], respond_to: &str, room: &Joined, ) { let user_pill = format!( "{}", respond_to, respond_to ); let errors: Vec<(&str, &BotError)> = results .into_iter() .filter_map(|(cmd, result)| match result { Err(e) => Some((cmd.as_ref(), e)), _ => None, }) .collect(); let (message, plain) = if errors.len() == 0 { ( format!("{}: Executed {} commands", user_pill, results.len()), format!("{}: Executed {} commands", respond_to, results.len()), ) } else { ( format_failures(&errors, results.len(), respond_to, false), format_failures(&errors, results.len(), respond_to, true), ) }; matrix::send_message(client, room.room_id(), (&message, &plain), None).await; } /// Map an account's active room value to an actual matrix room, if /// the account has an active room. This only retrieves the /// user-specified active room, and doesn't perform any further /// filtering. fn get_account_active_room(client: &Client, account: &Account) -> Result, BotError> { let active_room = account .registered_user() .and_then(|u| u.active_room.as_deref()) .map(|room_id| RoomId::try_from(room_id)) .transpose()? .and_then(|active_room_id| client.get_joined_room(&active_room_id)); Ok(active_room) } /// Execute a single command in the list of commands. Can fail if the /// Account value cannot be created/fetched from the database, or if /// room display names cannot be calculated. Otherwise, the success or /// error of command execution itself is returned. async fn execute_single_command( command: &str, db: &Database, client: &Client, origin_room: &Joined, sender: &str, ) -> ExecutionResult { let origin_ctx = RoomContext::new(origin_room, sender).await?; let account = logic::get_account(db, sender).await?; let active_room = get_account_active_room(client, &account)?; // Active room is used in secure command-issuing rooms. In // "public" rooms, where other users are, treat origin as the // active room. let active_room = active_room .as_ref() .filter(|_| .unwrap_or(origin_room); let active_ctx = RoomContext::new(active_room, sender).await?; let ctx = Context { account, db: db.clone(), matrix_client: client.clone(), origin_room: origin_ctx, username: &sender, active_room: active_ctx, message_body: &command, }; execute_command(&ctx).await } /// Attempt to execute all commands sent to the bot in a message. This /// asynchronously executes all commands given to it. A Vec of all /// commands and their execution results are returned. pub(super) async fn execute( commands: Vec<&str>, db: &Database, client: &Client, room: &Joined, sender: &str, ) -> Vec<(String, ExecutionResult)> { stream::iter(commands) .then(|command| async move { let result = execute_single_command(command, db, client, room, sender).await; (command.to_owned(), result) }) .collect() .await }