var original = require('original')
var parse = require('url').parse
var events = require('events')
var https = require('https')
var http = require('http')
var util = require('util')

var httpsOptions = [
  'pfx', 'key', 'passphrase', 'cert', 'ca', 'ciphers',
  'rejectUnauthorized', 'secureProtocol', 'servername', 'checkServerIdentity'

var bom = [239, 187, 191]
var colon = 58
var space = 32
var lineFeed = 10
var carriageReturn = 13

function hasBom (buf) {
  return bom.every(function (charCode, index) {
    return buf[index] === charCode

 * Creates a new EventSource object
 * @param {String} url the URL to which to connect
 * @param {Object} [eventSourceInitDict] extra init params. See README for details.
 * @api public
function EventSource (url, eventSourceInitDict) {
  var readyState = EventSource.CONNECTING
  Object.defineProperty(this, 'readyState', {
    get: function () {
      return readyState

  Object.defineProperty(this, 'url', {
    get: function () {
      return url

  var self = this
  self.reconnectInterval = 1000
  self.connectionInProgress = false

  function onConnectionClosed (message) {
    if (readyState === EventSource.CLOSED) return
    readyState = EventSource.CONNECTING
    _emit('error', new Event('error', {message: message}))

    // The url may have been changed by a temporary
    // redirect. If that's the case, revert it now.
    if (reconnectUrl) {
      url = reconnectUrl
      reconnectUrl = null
    setTimeout(function () {
      if (readyState !== EventSource.CONNECTING || self.connectionInProgress) {
      self.connectionInProgress = true
    }, self.reconnectInterval)

  var req
  var lastEventId = ''
  if (eventSourceInitDict && eventSourceInitDict.headers && eventSourceInitDict.headers['Last-Event-ID']) {
    lastEventId = eventSourceInitDict.headers['Last-Event-ID']
    delete eventSourceInitDict.headers['Last-Event-ID']

  var discardTrailingNewline = false
  var data = ''
  var eventName = ''

  var reconnectUrl = null

  function connect () {
    var options = parse(url)
    var isSecure = options.protocol === 'https:'
    options.headers = { 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Accept': 'text/event-stream' }
    if (lastEventId) options.headers['Last-Event-ID'] = lastEventId
    if (eventSourceInitDict && eventSourceInitDict.headers) {
      for (var i in eventSourceInitDict.headers) {
        var header = eventSourceInitDict.headers[i]
        if (header) {
          options.headers[i] = header

    // Legacy: this should be specified as `eventSourceInitDict.https.rejectUnauthorized`,
    // but for now exists as a backwards-compatibility layer
    options.rejectUnauthorized = !(eventSourceInitDict && !eventSourceInitDict.rejectUnauthorized)

    if (eventSourceInitDict && eventSourceInitDict.createConnection !== undefined) {
      options.createConnection = eventSourceInitDict.createConnection

    // If specify http proxy, make the request to sent to the proxy server,
    // and include the original url in path and Host headers
    var useProxy = eventSourceInitDict && eventSourceInitDict.proxy
    if (useProxy) {
      var proxy = parse(eventSourceInitDict.proxy)
      isSecure = proxy.protocol === 'https:'

      options.protocol = isSecure ? 'https:' : 'http:'
      options.path = url
      options.headers.Host =
      options.hostname = proxy.hostname =
      options.port = proxy.port

    // If https options are specified, merge them into the request options
    if (eventSourceInitDict && eventSourceInitDict.https) {
      for (var optName in eventSourceInitDict.https) {
        if (httpsOptions.indexOf(optName) === -1) {

        var option = eventSourceInitDict.https[optName]
        if (option !== undefined) {
          options[optName] = option

    // Pass this on to the XHR
    if (eventSourceInitDict && eventSourceInitDict.withCredentials !== undefined) {
      options.withCredentials = eventSourceInitDict.withCredentials

    req = (isSecure ? https : http).request(options, function (res) {
      self.connectionInProgress = false
      // Handle HTTP errors
      if (res.statusCode === 500 || res.statusCode === 502 || res.statusCode === 503 || res.statusCode === 504) {
        _emit('error', new Event('error', {status: res.statusCode, message: res.statusMessage}))

      // Handle HTTP redirects
      if (res.statusCode === 301 || res.statusCode === 302 || res.statusCode === 307) {
        if (!res.headers.location) {
          // Server sent redirect response without Location header.
          _emit('error', new Event('error', {status: res.statusCode, message: res.statusMessage}))
        if (res.statusCode === 307) reconnectUrl = url
        url = res.headers.location

      if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
        _emit('error', new Event('error', {status: res.statusCode, message: res.statusMessage}))
        return self.close()

      readyState = EventSource.OPEN
      res.on('close', function () {

      res.on('end', function () {
      _emit('open', new Event('open'))

      // text/event-stream parser adapted from webkit's
      // Source/WebCore/page/EventSource.cpp
      var isFirst = true
      var buf
      var startingPos = 0
      var startingFieldLength = -1
      res.on('data', function (chunk) {
        buf = buf ? Buffer.concat([buf, chunk]) : chunk
        if (isFirst && hasBom(buf)) {
          buf = buf.slice(bom.length)

        isFirst = false
        var pos = 0
        var length = buf.length

        while (pos < length) {
          if (discardTrailingNewline) {
            if (buf[pos] === lineFeed) {
            discardTrailingNewline = false

          var lineLength = -1
          var fieldLength = startingFieldLength
          var c

          for (var i = startingPos; lineLength < 0 && i < length; ++i) {
            c = buf[i]
            if (c === colon) {
              if (fieldLength < 0) {
                fieldLength = i - pos
            } else if (c === carriageReturn) {
              discardTrailingNewline = true
              lineLength = i - pos
            } else if (c === lineFeed) {
              lineLength = i - pos

          if (lineLength < 0) {
            startingPos = length - pos
            startingFieldLength = fieldLength
          } else {
            startingPos = 0
            startingFieldLength = -1

          parseEventStreamLine(buf, pos, fieldLength, lineLength)

          pos += lineLength + 1

        if (pos === length) {
          buf = void 0
        } else if (pos > 0) {
          buf = buf.slice(pos)

    req.on('error', function (err) {
      self.connectionInProgress = false

    if (req.setNoDelay) req.setNoDelay(true)


  function _emit () {
    if (self.listeners(arguments[0]).length > 0) {
      self.emit.apply(self, arguments)

  this._close = function () {
    if (readyState === EventSource.CLOSED) return
    readyState = EventSource.CLOSED
    if (req.abort) req.abort()
    if (req.xhr && req.xhr.abort) req.xhr.abort()

  function parseEventStreamLine (buf, pos, fieldLength, lineLength) {
    if (lineLength === 0) {
      if (data.length > 0) {
        var type = eventName || 'message'
        _emit(type, new MessageEvent(type, {
          data: data.slice(0, -1), // remove trailing newline
          lastEventId: lastEventId,
          origin: original(url)
        data = ''
      eventName = void 0
    } else if (fieldLength > 0) {
      var noValue = fieldLength < 0
      var step = 0
      var field = buf.slice(pos, pos + (noValue ? lineLength : fieldLength)).toString()

      if (noValue) {
        step = lineLength
      } else if (buf[pos + fieldLength + 1] !== space) {
        step = fieldLength + 1
      } else {
        step = fieldLength + 2
      pos += step

      var valueLength = lineLength - step
      var value = buf.slice(pos, pos + valueLength).toString()

      if (field === 'data') {
        data += value + '\n'
      } else if (field === 'event') {
        eventName = value
      } else if (field === 'id') {
        lastEventId = value
      } else if (field === 'retry') {
        var retry = parseInt(value, 10)
        if (!Number.isNaN(retry)) {
          self.reconnectInterval = retry

module.exports = EventSource

util.inherits(EventSource, events.EventEmitter)
EventSource.prototype.constructor = EventSource; // make stacktraces readable

['open', 'error', 'message'].forEach(function (method) {
  Object.defineProperty(EventSource.prototype, 'on' + method, {
     * Returns the current listener
     * @return {Mixed} the set function or undefined
     * @api private
    get: function get () {
      var listener = this.listeners(method)[0]
      return listener ? (listener._listener ? listener._listener : listener) : undefined

     * Start listening for events
     * @param {Function} listener the listener
     * @return {Mixed} the set function or undefined
     * @api private
    set: function set (listener) {
      this.addEventListener(method, listener)

 * Ready states
Object.defineProperty(EventSource, 'CONNECTING', {enumerable: true, value: 0})
Object.defineProperty(EventSource, 'OPEN', {enumerable: true, value: 1})
Object.defineProperty(EventSource, 'CLOSED', {enumerable: true, value: 2})

EventSource.prototype.CONNECTING = 0
EventSource.prototype.OPEN = 1
EventSource.prototype.CLOSED = 2

 * Closes the connection, if one is made, and sets the readyState attribute to 2 (closed)
 * @see
 * @api public
EventSource.prototype.close = function () {

 * Emulates the W3C Browser based WebSocket interface using addEventListener.
 * @param {String} type A string representing the event type to listen out for
 * @param {Function} listener callback
 * @see
 * @see
 * @api public
EventSource.prototype.addEventListener = function addEventListener (type, listener) {
  if (typeof listener === 'function') {
    // store a reference so we can return the original function again
    listener._listener = listener
    this.on(type, listener)

 * Emulates the W3C Browser based WebSocket interface using dispatchEvent.
 * @param {Event} event An event to be dispatched
 * @see
 * @api public
EventSource.prototype.dispatchEvent = function dispatchEvent (event) {
  if (!event.type) {
    throw new Error('UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR')
  // if event is instance of an CustomEvent (or has 'details' property),
  // send the detail object as the payload for the event
  this.emit(event.type, event.detail)

 * Emulates the W3C Browser based WebSocket interface using removeEventListener.
 * @param {String} type A string representing the event type to remove
 * @param {Function} listener callback
 * @see
 * @see
 * @api public
EventSource.prototype.removeEventListener = function removeEventListener (type, listener) {
  if (typeof listener === 'function') {
    listener._listener = undefined
    this.removeListener(type, listener)

 * W3C Event
 * @see
 * @api private
function Event (type, optionalProperties) {
  Object.defineProperty(this, 'type', { writable: false, value: type, enumerable: true })
  if (optionalProperties) {
    for (var f in optionalProperties) {
      if (optionalProperties.hasOwnProperty(f)) {
        Object.defineProperty(this, f, { writable: false, value: optionalProperties[f], enumerable: true })

 * W3C MessageEvent
 * @see
 * @api private
function MessageEvent (type, eventInitDict) {
  Object.defineProperty(this, 'type', { writable: false, value: type, enumerable: true })
  for (var f in eventInitDict) {
    if (eventInitDict.hasOwnProperty(f)) {
      Object.defineProperty(this, f, { writable: false, value: eventInitDict[f], enumerable: true })