use super::errors::DataError; use super::{Database, Rooms}; use crate::models::RoomInfo; use async_trait::async_trait; use sqlx::SqlitePool; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; async fn record_event(conn: &SqlitePool, room_id: &str, event_id: &str) -> Result<(), DataError> { use std::convert::TryFrom; let now: i64 = i64::try_from( SystemTime::now() .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) .expect("Clock has gone backwards") .as_secs(), )?; sqlx::query( r#"INSERT INTO room_events (room_id, event_id, event_timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"#, ) .bind(room_id) .bind(event_id) .bind(now) .execute(conn) .await?; Ok(()) } #[async_trait] impl Rooms for Database { async fn should_process(&self, room_id: &str, event_id: &str) -> Result { let row = sqlx::query!( r#"SELECT event_id FROM room_events WHERE room_id = ? AND event_id = ?"#, room_id, event_id ) .fetch_optional(&self.conn) .await?; match row { Some(_) => Ok(false), None => { record_event(&self.conn, room_id, event_id).await?; Ok(true) } } } async fn insert_room_info(&self, info: &RoomInfo) -> Result<(), DataError> { //Clear out old info first, because we want this to be an "upsert." sqlx::query("DELETE FROM room_info where room_id = ?") .bind(&info.room_id) .execute(&self.conn) .await .ok(); sqlx::query(r#"INSERT INTO room_info (room_id, room_name) VALUES (?, ?)"#) .bind(&info.room_id) .bind(&info.room_name) .execute(&self.conn) .await?; Ok(()) } async fn get_room_info(&self, room_id: &str) -> Result, DataError> { let info = sqlx::query!( r#"SELECT room_id, room_name FROM room_info WHERE room_id = ?"#, room_id ) .fetch_optional(&self.conn) .await?; Ok(|i| RoomInfo { room_id: i.room_id, room_name: i.room_name, })) } async fn get_rooms_for_user(&self, user_id: &str) -> Result, DataError> { let room_ids = sqlx::query!( r#"SELECT room_id FROM room_users WHERE username = ?"#, user_id ) .fetch_all(&self.conn) .await?; Ok(room_ids.into_iter().map(|row| row.room_id).collect()) } async fn get_users_in_room(&self, room_id: &str) -> Result, DataError> { let usernames = sqlx::query!( r#"SELECT username FROM room_users WHERE room_id = ?"#, room_id ) .fetch_all(&self.conn) .await?; Ok(usernames.into_iter().map(|row| row.username).collect()) } async fn add_user_to_room(&self, username: &str, room_id: &str) -> Result<(), DataError> { // This is here because it is possible to process a bunch of // user join/leave events at once, and we don't want to cause // constraint violation errors. self.remove_user_from_room(username, room_id).await.ok(); sqlx::query("INSERT INTO room_users (room_id, username) VALUES (?, ?)") .bind(room_id) .bind(username) .execute(&self.conn) .await?; Ok(()) } async fn remove_user_from_room(&self, username: &str, room_id: &str) -> Result<(), DataError> { sqlx::query("DELETE FROM room_users where username = ? AND room_id = ?") .bind(username) .bind(room_id) .execute(&self.conn) .await?; Ok(()) } async fn clear_info(&self, room_id: &str) -> Result<(), DataError> { // We do not clear event history here, because if we rejoin a // room, we would re-process events we've already seen. sqlx::query("DELETE FROM room_info where room_id = ?") .bind(room_id) .execute(&self.conn) .await?; sqlx::query("DELETE FROM room_users where room_id = ?") .bind(room_id) .execute(&self.conn) .await?; Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::super::Rooms; use super::*; async fn create_db() -> Database { let db_path = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new_in(".").unwrap(); crate::db::sqlite::migrator::migrate(db_path.path().to_str().unwrap()) .await .unwrap(); Database::new(db_path.path().to_str().unwrap()) .await .unwrap() } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 1)] async fn should_process_test() { let db = create_db().await; let first_check = db .should_process("myroom", "myeventid") .await .expect("should_process failed in first insert"); assert_eq!(first_check, true); let second_check = db .should_process("myroom", "myeventid") .await .expect("should_process failed in first insert"); assert_eq!(second_check, false); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 1)] async fn insert_and_get_room_info_test() { let db = create_db().await; let info = RoomInfo { room_id: "myroomid".to_string(), room_name: "myroomname".to_string(), }; db.insert_room_info(&info) .await .expect("Could not insert room info."); let retrieved_info = db .get_room_info("myroomid") .await .expect("Could not retrieve room info."); assert!(retrieved_info.is_some()); assert_eq!(info, retrieved_info.unwrap()); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 1)] async fn insert_room_info_updates_existing() { let db = create_db().await; let info1 = RoomInfo { room_id: "myroomid".to_string(), room_name: "myroomname".to_string(), }; db.insert_room_info(&info1) .await .expect("Could not insert room info1."); let info2 = RoomInfo { room_id: "myroomid".to_string(), room_name: "myroomname2".to_string(), }; db.insert_room_info(&info2) .await .expect("Could not update room info after first insert"); let retrieved_info = db .get_room_info("myroomid") .await .expect("Could not get room info"); assert!(retrieved_info.is_some()); let retrieved_info = retrieved_info.unwrap(); assert_eq!(retrieved_info.room_id, "myroomid"); assert_eq!(retrieved_info.room_name, "myroomname2"); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 1)] async fn add_user_to_room_test() { let db = create_db().await; db.add_user_to_room("myuser", "myroom") .await .expect("Could not add user to room."); let users_in_room = db .get_users_in_room("myroom") .await .expect("Could not get users in room."); assert_eq!(users_in_room.len(), 1); assert!(users_in_room.contains("myuser")); let rooms_for_user = db .get_rooms_for_user("myuser") .await .expect("Could not get rooms for user"); assert_eq!(rooms_for_user.len(), 1); assert!(rooms_for_user.contains("myroom")); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 1)] async fn add_user_to_room_does_not_have_constraint_violation() { let db = create_db().await; db.add_user_to_room("myuser", "myroom") .await .expect("Could not add user to room."); let second_attempt = db.add_user_to_room("myuser", "myroom").await; assert!(second_attempt.is_ok()); let users_in_room = db .get_users_in_room("myroom") .await .expect("Could not get users in room."); assert_eq!(users_in_room.len(), 1); assert!(users_in_room.contains("myuser")); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 1)] async fn remove_user_from_room_test() { let db = create_db().await; db.add_user_to_room("myuser", "myroom") .await .expect("Could not add user to room."); let remove_attempt = db.remove_user_from_room("myuser", "myroom").await; assert!(remove_attempt.is_ok()); let users_in_room = db .get_users_in_room("myroom") .await .expect("Could not get users in room."); assert_eq!(users_in_room.len(), 0); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 1)] async fn clear_info_does_not_delete_other_rooms() { let db = create_db().await; let info1 = RoomInfo { room_id: "myroomid".to_string(), room_name: "myroomname".to_string(), }; let info2 = RoomInfo { room_id: "myroomid2".to_string(), room_name: "myroomname2".to_string(), }; db.insert_room_info(&info1) .await .expect("Could not insert room info1."); db.insert_room_info(&info2) .await .expect("Could not insert room info2."); db.add_user_to_room("myuser", &info1.room_id) .await .expect("Could not add user to room."); db.clear_info(&info1.room_id) .await .expect("Could not clear room info1"); let room_info2 = db .get_room_info(&info2.room_id) .await .expect("Could not get room info2."); assert!(room_info2.is_some()); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 1)] async fn clear_info_test() { let db = create_db().await; let info = RoomInfo { room_id: "myroomid".to_string(), room_name: "myroomname".to_string(), }; db.insert_room_info(&info) .await .expect("Could not insert room info."); db.add_user_to_room("myuser", &info.room_id) .await .expect("Could not add user to room."); db.clear_info(&info.room_id) .await .expect("Could not clear room info"); let users_in_room = db .get_users_in_room(&info.room_id) .await .expect("Could not get users in room."); assert_eq!(users_in_room.len(), 0); let room_info = db .get_room_info(&info.room_id) .await .expect("Could not get room info."); assert!(room_info.is_none()); } }