/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const { OriginalSource, RawSource } = require("webpack-sources"); const ConcatenationScope = require("./ConcatenationScope"); const Module = require("./Module"); const RuntimeGlobals = require("./RuntimeGlobals"); const Template = require("./Template"); const StaticExportsDependency = require("./dependencies/StaticExportsDependency"); const extractUrlAndGlobal = require("./util/extractUrlAndGlobal"); const makeSerializable = require("./util/makeSerializable"); const propertyAccess = require("./util/propertyAccess"); /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").Source} Source */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").WebpackOptionsNormalized} WebpackOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./Chunk")} Chunk */ /** @typedef {import("./ChunkGraph")} ChunkGraph */ /** @typedef {import("./Compilation")} Compilation */ /** @typedef {import("./Dependency").UpdateHashContext} UpdateHashContext */ /** @typedef {import("./DependencyTemplates")} DependencyTemplates */ /** @typedef {import("./Module").CodeGenerationContext} CodeGenerationContext */ /** @typedef {import("./Module").CodeGenerationResult} CodeGenerationResult */ /** @typedef {import("./Module").ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext} ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext */ /** @typedef {import("./Module").LibIdentOptions} LibIdentOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./Module").NeedBuildContext} NeedBuildContext */ /** @typedef {import("./RequestShortener")} RequestShortener */ /** @typedef {import("./ResolverFactory").ResolverWithOptions} ResolverWithOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./RuntimeTemplate")} RuntimeTemplate */ /** @typedef {import("./WebpackError")} WebpackError */ /** @typedef {import("./util/Hash")} Hash */ /** @typedef {import("./util/fs").InputFileSystem} InputFileSystem */ /** * @typedef {Object} SourceData * @property {boolean=} iife * @property {string=} init * @property {string} expression */ /** * @param {string|string[]} variableName the variable name or path * @param {string} type the module system * @returns {SourceData} the generated source */ const getSourceForGlobalVariableExternal = (variableName, type) => { if (!Array.isArray(variableName)) { // make it an array as the look up works the same basically variableName = [variableName]; } // needed for e.g. window["some"]["thing"] const objectLookup = variableName.map(r => `[${JSON.stringify(r)}]`).join(""); return { iife: type === "this", expression: `${type}${objectLookup}` }; }; /** * @param {string|string[]} moduleAndSpecifiers the module request * @returns {SourceData} the generated source */ const getSourceForCommonJsExternal = moduleAndSpecifiers => { if (!Array.isArray(moduleAndSpecifiers)) { return { expression: `require(${JSON.stringify(moduleAndSpecifiers)});` }; } const moduleName = moduleAndSpecifiers[0]; return { expression: `require(${JSON.stringify(moduleName)})${propertyAccess( moduleAndSpecifiers, 1 )};` }; }; /** * @param {string|string[]} moduleAndSpecifiers the module request * @param {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate the runtime template * @returns {SourceData} the generated source */ const getSourceForImportExternal = (moduleAndSpecifiers, runtimeTemplate) => { const importName = runtimeTemplate.outputOptions.importFunctionName; if (!runtimeTemplate.supportsDynamicImport() && importName === "import") { throw new Error( "The target environment doesn't support 'import()' so it's not possible to use external type 'import'" ); } if (!Array.isArray(moduleAndSpecifiers)) { return { expression: `${importName}(${JSON.stringify(moduleAndSpecifiers)});` }; } if (moduleAndSpecifiers.length === 1) { return { expression: `${importName}(${JSON.stringify(moduleAndSpecifiers[0])});` }; } const moduleName = moduleAndSpecifiers[0]; return { expression: `${importName}(${JSON.stringify( moduleName )}).then(${runtimeTemplate.returningFunction( `module${propertyAccess(moduleAndSpecifiers, 1)}`, "module" )});` }; }; /** * @param {string|string[]} urlAndGlobal the script request * @param {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate the runtime template * @returns {SourceData} the generated source */ const getSourceForScriptExternal = (urlAndGlobal, runtimeTemplate) => { if (typeof urlAndGlobal === "string") { urlAndGlobal = extractUrlAndGlobal(urlAndGlobal); } const url = urlAndGlobal[0]; const globalName = urlAndGlobal[1]; return { init: "var __webpack_error__ = new Error();", expression: `new Promise(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction( "resolve, reject", [ `if(typeof ${globalName} !== "undefined") return resolve();`, `${RuntimeGlobals.loadScript}(${JSON.stringify( url )}, ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("event", [ `if(typeof ${globalName} !== "undefined") return resolve();`, "var errorType = event && (event.type === 'load' ? 'missing' : event.type);", "var realSrc = event && event.target && event.target.src;", "__webpack_error__.message = 'Loading script failed.\\n(' + errorType + ': ' + realSrc + ')';", "__webpack_error__.name = 'ScriptExternalLoadError';", "__webpack_error__.type = errorType;", "__webpack_error__.request = realSrc;", "reject(__webpack_error__);" ])}, ${JSON.stringify(globalName)});` ] )}).then(${runtimeTemplate.returningFunction( `${globalName}${propertyAccess(urlAndGlobal, 2)}` )})` }; }; /** * @param {string} variableName the variable name to check * @param {string} request the request path * @param {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate the runtime template * @returns {string} the generated source */ const checkExternalVariable = (variableName, request, runtimeTemplate) => { return `if(typeof ${variableName} === 'undefined') { ${runtimeTemplate.throwMissingModuleErrorBlock( { request } )} }\n`; }; /** * @param {string|number} id the module id * @param {boolean} optional true, if the module is optional * @param {string|string[]} request the request path * @param {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate the runtime template * @returns {SourceData} the generated source */ const getSourceForAmdOrUmdExternal = ( id, optional, request, runtimeTemplate ) => { const externalVariable = `__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_${Template.toIdentifier( `${id}` )}__`; return { init: optional ? checkExternalVariable( externalVariable, Array.isArray(request) ? request.join(".") : request, runtimeTemplate ) : undefined, expression: externalVariable }; }; /** * @param {boolean} optional true, if the module is optional * @param {string|string[]} request the request path * @param {RuntimeTemplate} runtimeTemplate the runtime template * @returns {SourceData} the generated source */ const getSourceForDefaultCase = (optional, request, runtimeTemplate) => { if (!Array.isArray(request)) { // make it an array as the look up works the same basically request = [request]; } const variableName = request[0]; const objectLookup = propertyAccess(request, 1); return { init: optional ? checkExternalVariable(variableName, request.join("."), runtimeTemplate) : undefined, expression: `${variableName}${objectLookup}` }; }; const TYPES = new Set(["javascript"]); const RUNTIME_REQUIREMENTS = new Set([RuntimeGlobals.module]); const RUNTIME_REQUIREMENTS_FOR_SCRIPT = new Set([ RuntimeGlobals.module, RuntimeGlobals.loadScript ]); const RUNTIME_REQUIREMENTS_CONCATENATED = new Set([]); class ExternalModule extends Module { constructor(request, type, userRequest) { super("javascript/dynamic", null); // Info from Factory /** @type {string | string[] | Record<string, string | string[]>} */ this.request = request; /** @type {string} */ this.externalType = type; /** @type {string} */ this.userRequest = userRequest; } /** * @returns {Set<string>} types available (do not mutate) */ getSourceTypes() { return TYPES; } /** * @param {LibIdentOptions} options options * @returns {string | null} an identifier for library inclusion */ libIdent(options) { return this.userRequest; } /** * @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk which condition should be checked * @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation * @returns {boolean} true, if the chunk is ok for the module */ chunkCondition(chunk, { chunkGraph }) { return chunkGraph.getNumberOfEntryModules(chunk) > 0; } /** * @returns {string} a unique identifier of the module */ identifier() { return "external " + JSON.stringify(this.request); } /** * @param {RequestShortener} requestShortener the request shortener * @returns {string} a user readable identifier of the module */ readableIdentifier(requestShortener) { return "external " + JSON.stringify(this.request); } /** * @param {NeedBuildContext} context context info * @param {function(WebpackError=, boolean=): void} callback callback function, returns true, if the module needs a rebuild * @returns {void} */ needBuild(context, callback) { return callback(null, !this.buildMeta); } /** * @param {WebpackOptions} options webpack options * @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation * @param {ResolverWithOptions} resolver the resolver * @param {InputFileSystem} fs the file system * @param {function(WebpackError=): void} callback callback function * @returns {void} */ build(options, compilation, resolver, fs, callback) { this.buildMeta = { async: false, exportsType: undefined }; this.buildInfo = { strict: this.externalType !== "this", topLevelDeclarations: new Set() }; this.buildMeta.exportsType = "dynamic"; let canMangle = false; this.clearDependenciesAndBlocks(); switch (this.externalType) { case "system": if (!Array.isArray(this.request) || this.request.length === 1) { this.buildMeta.exportsType = "namespace"; canMangle = true; } break; case "promise": this.buildMeta.async = true; break; case "import": this.buildMeta.async = true; if (!Array.isArray(this.request) || this.request.length === 1) { this.buildMeta.exportsType = "namespace"; canMangle = false; } break; case "script": this.buildMeta.async = true; break; } this.addDependency(new StaticExportsDependency(true, canMangle)); callback(); } /** * @param {ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext} context context * @returns {string | undefined} reason why this module can't be concatenated, undefined when it can be concatenated */ getConcatenationBailoutReason({ moduleGraph }) { switch (this.externalType) { case "amd": case "amd-require": case "umd": case "umd2": case "system": case "jsonp": return `${this.externalType} externals can't be concatenated`; } return undefined; } getSourceData(runtimeTemplate, moduleGraph, chunkGraph) { const request = typeof this.request === "object" && !Array.isArray(this.request) ? this.request[this.externalType] : this.request; switch (this.externalType) { case "this": case "window": case "self": return getSourceForGlobalVariableExternal(request, this.externalType); case "global": return getSourceForGlobalVariableExternal( request, runtimeTemplate.outputOptions.globalObject ); case "commonjs": case "commonjs2": case "commonjs-module": return getSourceForCommonJsExternal(request); case "amd": case "amd-require": case "umd": case "umd2": case "system": case "jsonp": return getSourceForAmdOrUmdExternal( chunkGraph.getModuleId(this), this.isOptional(moduleGraph), request, runtimeTemplate ); case "import": return getSourceForImportExternal(request, runtimeTemplate); case "script": return getSourceForScriptExternal(request, runtimeTemplate); case "module": if (!runtimeTemplate.supportsEcmaScriptModuleSyntax()) { throw new Error( "The target environment doesn't support EcmaScriptModule syntax so it's not possible to use external type 'module'" ); } throw new Error("Module external type is not implemented yet"); case "var": case "promise": case "const": case "let": case "assign": default: return getSourceForDefaultCase( this.isOptional(moduleGraph), request, runtimeTemplate ); } } /** * @param {CodeGenerationContext} context context for code generation * @returns {CodeGenerationResult} result */ codeGeneration({ runtimeTemplate, moduleGraph, chunkGraph, concatenationScope }) { const sourceData = this.getSourceData( runtimeTemplate, moduleGraph, chunkGraph ); let sourceString = sourceData.expression; if (sourceData.iife) sourceString = `(function() { return ${sourceString}; }())`; if (concatenationScope) { sourceString = `${runtimeTemplate.supportsConst() ? "const" : "var"} ${ ConcatenationScope.NAMESPACE_OBJECT_EXPORT } = ${sourceString};`; concatenationScope.registerNamespaceExport( ConcatenationScope.NAMESPACE_OBJECT_EXPORT ); } else { sourceString = `module.exports = ${sourceString};`; } if (sourceData.init) sourceString = `${sourceData.init}\n${sourceString}`; const sources = new Map(); if (this.useSourceMap || this.useSimpleSourceMap) { sources.set( "javascript", new OriginalSource(sourceString, this.identifier()) ); } else { sources.set("javascript", new RawSource(sourceString)); } return { sources, runtimeRequirements: concatenationScope ? RUNTIME_REQUIREMENTS_CONCATENATED : this.externalType === "script" ? RUNTIME_REQUIREMENTS_FOR_SCRIPT : RUNTIME_REQUIREMENTS }; } /** * @param {string=} type the source type for which the size should be estimated * @returns {number} the estimated size of the module (must be non-zero) */ size(type) { return 42; } /** * @param {Hash} hash the hash used to track dependencies * @param {UpdateHashContext} context context * @returns {void} */ updateHash(hash, context) { const { chunkGraph } = context; hash.update(this.externalType); hash.update(JSON.stringify(this.request)); hash.update( JSON.stringify(Boolean(this.isOptional(chunkGraph.moduleGraph))) ); super.updateHash(hash, context); } serialize(context) { const { write } = context; write(this.request); write(this.externalType); write(this.userRequest); super.serialize(context); } deserialize(context) { const { read } = context; this.request = read(); this.externalType = read(); this.userRequest = read(); super.deserialize(context); } } makeSerializable(ExternalModule, "webpack/lib/ExternalModule"); module.exports = ExternalModule;