use super::{Command, Execution}; use crate::context::Context; use crate::db::errors::DataError; use crate::matrix; use async_trait::async_trait; use matrix_sdk::identifiers::RoomId; use std::convert::TryFrom; pub struct ResyncCommand; type ResyncResult = Result<(), DataError>; #[async_trait] impl Command for ResyncCommand { fn name(&self) -> &'static str { "resync room information" } async fn execute(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> Execution { let room_id = RoomId::try_from(ctx.room_id).expect("failed to decode room ID"); let usernames = matrix::get_users_in_room(&ctx.matrix_client, &room_id).await; let result: ResyncResult = usernames .into_iter() //.filter(|username| username != &event.state_key) .map(|username| ctx.db.rooms.add_user_to_room(&username, room_id.as_str())) .collect(); //Make use of collect impl on Result. let (plain, html) = match result { Ok(()) => { let plain = "Room information resynced".to_string(); let html = "

Room information resynced.

".to_string(); (plain, html) } Err(e) => { let plain = format!("Error: {}", e); let html = format!("

Error: {}

", e); (plain, html) } }; Execution { plain, html } } }