'use strict'; var util = require('util'); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; function Hose(socket, options, filter) { EventEmitter.call(this); if (typeof options === 'function') { filter = options; options = {}; } this.socket = socket; this.options = options; this.filter = filter; this.buffer = null; var self = this; this.listeners = { error: function(err) { return self.onError(err); }, data: function(chunk) { return self.onData(chunk); }, end: function() { return self.onEnd(); } }; this.socket.on('error', this.listeners.error); this.socket.on('data', this.listeners.data); this.socket.on('end', this.listeners.end); } util.inherits(Hose, EventEmitter); module.exports = Hose; Hose.create = function create(socket, options, filter) { return new Hose(socket, options, filter); }; Hose.prototype.detach = function detach() { // Stop the flow this.socket.pause(); this.socket.removeListener('error', this.listeners.error); this.socket.removeListener('data', this.listeners.data); this.socket.removeListener('end', this.listeners.end); }; Hose.prototype.reemit = function reemit() { var buffer = this.buffer; this.buffer = null; // Modern age if (this.socket.unshift) { this.socket.unshift(buffer); if (this.socket.listeners('data').length > 0) this.socket.resume(); return; } // Rusty node v0.8 if (this.socket.ondata) this.socket.ondata(buffer, 0, buffer.length); this.socket.emit('data', buffer); this.socket.resume(); }; Hose.prototype.onError = function onError(err) { this.detach(); this.emit('error', err); }; Hose.prototype.onData = function onData(chunk) { if (this.buffer) this.buffer = Buffer.concat([ this.buffer, chunk ]); else this.buffer = chunk; var self = this; this.filter(this.buffer, function(err, protocol) { if (err) return self.onError(err); // No protocol selected yet if (!protocol) return; self.detach(); self.emit('select', protocol, self.socket); self.reemit(); }); }; Hose.prototype.onEnd = function onEnd() { this.detach(); this.emit('error', new Error('Not enough data to recognize protocol')); };