First working version.

Only deals with instances directly, not files.
Includes basic instructions on how to configure and use.
Includes example config file.
This commit is contained in:
Justin Warren 2022-12-20 07:53:28 +11:00
parent 3d735ac400
commit c8e8aa50dc
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 443 additions and 0 deletions

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# FediBlockHole
A tool for keeping a Mastodon instance blocklist synchronised with remote lists.
## Features
- Import and export block lists from CSV files.
- Read a block list from a remote instance (if a token is configured)
## Installing
Instance admins who want to use this tool will need to add an Application at
`https://<instance-domain>/settings/applications/` they can authorise with an
OAuth token. For each instance you connect to, add this token to the config file.
### Reading remote instance blocklists
To read admin blocks from a remote instance, you'll need to ask the instance admin to add a new Application at `https://<instance-domain>/settings/applications/` and then tell you the access token.
The application needs the `admin:read:domain_blocks` OAuth scope, but unfortunately this
scope isn't available in the current application screen (v4.0.2 of Mastodon at
time of writing). There is a way to do it with scopes, but it's really
dangerous, so I'm not going to tell you what it is here.
A better way is to ask the instance admin to connect to the PostgreSQL database
and add the scope there, like this:
UPDATE oauth_access_tokens
SET scopes='admin:read:domain_blocks'
WHERE token='<your_app_token>';
When that's done, FediBlockHole should be able to use its token to authorise
adding or updating domain blocks via the API.
### Writing instance blocklists
To write domain blocks into an instance requires both the
`admin:read:domain_blocks` and `admin:write:domain_blocks` OAuth scopes. The
`read` scope is used to read the current list of domain blocks so we update ones
that already exist, rather than trying to add all new ones and clutter up the
Again, there's no way to do this (yet) on the application admin
screen so we need to ask our destination admins to update the application
permissions similar to reading domain blocks:
UPDATE oauth_access_tokens
SET scopes='admin:read:domain_blocks admin:write:domain_blocks'
WHERE token='<your_app_token>';
When that's done, FediBlockHole should be able to use its token to authorise
adding or updating domain blocks via the API.
## Configuring
Once you have your applications and tokens and scopes set up, create a
configuration file for FediBlockHole to use. You can put it anywhere and use the
`-c <configfile>` commandline parameter to tell FediBlockHole where it is.
Or you can use the default location of `/etc/default/fediblockhole.conf.toml`.
As the filename suggests, FediBlockHole uses TOML syntax.
There are 2 key sections:
1. `blocklist_instance_sources`: A list of instances to read blocklists from
1. `blocklist_instance_destinations`: A list of instances to write blocklists to
Each is a list of dictionaries of the form:
{ domain = '<domain_name>', token = '<BearerToken>' }
The `domain` is the fully-qualified domain name of the API host for an instance
you want to read or write domain blocks to/from. The `BearerToken` is the OAuth
token for the application that's configured in the instance to allow you to
read/write domain blocks, as discussed above.
## Using the tool
Once you've configured the tool, run it like this:
``` -c <configfile_path>
If you put the config file in `/etc/default/fediblockhole.conf.toml` you don't need to pass the config file path.

bin/ Executable file
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# Export and import blocklists via API
import argparse
import toml
import csv
import requests
import json
import csv
import time
import logging
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
import pprint
log = logging.getLogger('fediblock_sync')
CONFIGFILE = "/home/mastodon/etc/admin.conf"
def sync_blocklists(conf: dict):
"""Sync instance blocklists from remote sources.
# Build a dict of blocklists we retrieve from remote sources.
# We will merge these later using a merge algorithm we choose.
blocklists = {}
# Fetch blocklists from URLs
# for listurl in conf.blocklist_csv_sources:
# blocklists[listurl] = {}
# response = requests.get(url)
# log.debug(f"Fetched blocklist CSV file: {response.content}")
# Fetch blocklists from remote instances
for blocklist_src in conf['blocklist_instance_sources']:
domain = blocklist_src['domain']
token = blocklist_src['token']
blocklists[domain] = fetch_instance_blocklist(token, domain)
# Merge blocklists into an update dict
merged = merge_blocklists(blocklists)
# log.debug(f"Merged blocklist ready:\n")
# pprint.pp(merged)
# Push the blocklist to destination instances
for dest in conf['blocklist_instance_destinations']:
domain = dest['domain']
token = dest['token']
push_blocklist(token, domain, merged.values())
def merge_blocklists(blocklists: dict, mergeplan: str='max') -> dict:
"""Merge fetched remote blocklists into a bulk update
@param mergeplan: An optional method of merging overlapping block definitions
'max' (the default) uses the highest severity block found
'min' uses the lowest severity block found
# log.debug(f"Merging blocklists {blocklists} ...")
# Remote blocklists may have conflicting overlaps. We need to
# decide whether or not to override earlier entries with later
# ones or not. How to choose which entry is 'correct'?
merged = {}
for key, blist in blocklists.items():
log.debug(f"Adding blocks from {key} ...")
for blockdef in blist:
# log.debug(f"Checking blockdef {blockdef} ...")
domain = blockdef['domain']
if domain in merged:
blockdata = merged[domain]
# If the public or private comment is different,
# append it to the existing comment, joined with a newline
if blockdef['public_comment'] != blockdata['public_comment'] and blockdata['public_comment'] != '':
blockdata['public_comment'] = '\n'.join([blockdef['public_comment'], blockdata['public_comment']])
if blockdef['private_comment'] != blockdata['private_comment'] and blockdata['private_comment'] != '':
blockdata['private_comment'] = '\n'.join([blockdef['private_comment'], blockdata['private_comment']])
# How do we override an earlier block definition?
if mergeplan in ['max', None]:
# Use the highest block level found (the default)
if blockdef['severity'] == 'suspend':
blockdata['severity'] = 'suspend'
if blockdef['reject_media'] == True:
blockdata['reject_media'] = True
if blockdef['reject_reports'] == True:
blockdata['reject_reports'] = True
elif mergeplan in ['min']:
# Use the lowest block level found
if blockdef['severity'] == 'silence':
blockdata['severity'] = 'silence'
if blockdef['reject_media'] == False:
blockdata['reject_media'] = False
if blockdef['reject_reports'] == False:
blockdata['reject_reports'] = False
raise NotImplementedError(f"Mergeplan '{mergeplan}' not implemented.")
# New block
blockdata = {
'domain': blockdef['domain'],
# Default to Silence if nothing is specified
'severity': blockdef.get('severity', 'silence'),
'public_comment': blockdef['public_comment'],
'private_comment': blockdef['private_comment'],
'reject_media': blockdef.get('reject_media', False),
'reject_reports': blockdef.get('reject_reports', False),
'obfuscate': blockdef.get('obfuscate', False),
merged[domain] = blockdata
return merged
def fetch_instance_blocklist(token: str, host: str) -> list:
"""Fetch existing block list from server
api_path = "/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks"
url = f"https://{host}{api_path}"
domain_blocks = []
link = True
while link:
response = requests.get(url, headers={'Authorization': f"Bearer {token}"})
if response.status_code != 200:
log.error(f"Cannot fetch remote blocklist: {response.content}")
raise ValueError("Unable to fetch domain block list: %s", response)
# Parse the link header to find the next url to fetch
# This is a weird and janky way of doing pagination but
# hey nothing we can do about it we just have to deal
link = response.headers['Link']
pagination = link.split(', ')
if len(pagination) != 2:
link = None
next = pagination[0]
prev = pagination[1]
urlstring, rel = next.split('; ')
url = urlstring.strip('<').rstrip('>')
log.debug(f"Found {len(domain_blocks)} existing domain blocks.")
return domain_blocks
def export_blocklist(token: str, host: str, outfile: str):
"""Export current server blocklist to a csv file"""
blocklist = fetch_instance_blocklist(token, host)
fieldnames = ['id', 'domain', 'severity', 'reject_media', 'reject_reports', 'private_comment', 'public_comment', 'obfuscate']
blocklist = sorted(blocklist, key=lambda x: int(x['id']))
with open(outfile, "w") as fp:
writer = csv.DictWriter(fp, fieldnames, extrasaction='ignore')
def delete_blocklist(token: str, host: str, blockfile: str):
"""Delete domain blocks listed in blockfile"""
with open(blockfile) as fp:
reader = csv.DictReader(fp)
for row in reader:
domain = row['domain']
id = row['id']
log.debug(f"Deleting {domain} (id: {id}) from blocklist...")
delete_block(token, host, id)
def delete_block(token: str, host: str, id: int):
"""Remove a domain block"""
log.debug(f"Removing domain block {id} at {host}...")
api_path = "/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/"
url = f"https://{host}{api_path}{id}"
response = requests.delete(url,
headers={'Authorization': f"Bearer {token}"}
if response.status_code != 200:
if response.status_code == 404:
log.warn(f"No such domain block: {id}")
raise ValueError(f"Something went wrong: {response.status_code}: {response.content}")
def update_known_block(token: str, host: str, blockdict: dict):
"""Update an existing domain block with information in blockdict"""
api_path = "/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/"
id = blockdict['id']
blockdata = blockdict.copy()
del blockdata['id']
url = f"https://{host}{api_path}{id}"
response = requests.put(url,
headers={'Authorization': f"Bearer {token}"},
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(f"Something went wrong: {response.status_code}: {response.content}")
def add_block(token: str, host: str, blockdata: dict):
"""Block a domain on Mastodon host
log.debug(f"Blocking domain {blockdata['domain']} at {host}...")
api_path = "/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks"
url = f"https://{host}{api_path}"
response =,
headers={'Authorization': f"Bearer {token}"},
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(f"Something went wrong: {response.status_code}: {response.content}")
def push_blocklist(token: str, host: str, blocklist: list[dict]):
"""Push a blocklist to a remote instance.
Merging the blocklist with the existing list the instance has,
updating existing entries if they exist.
@param token: The Bearer token for OAUTH API authentication
@param host: The instance host, FQDN or IP
@param blocklist: A list of block definitions. They must include the domain.
# Fetch the existing blocklist from the instance
serverblocks = fetch_instance_blocklist(token, host)
# Convert serverblocks to a dictionary keyed by domain name
knownblocks = {row['domain']: row for row in serverblocks}
for row in blocklist:
# log.debug(f"Importing definition: {row}")
if 'id' in row: del row['id']
blockdict = knownblocks[row['domain']]"Block already exists for {row['domain']}, merging data...")
# Check if anything is actually different and needs updating
change_needed = False
for key in [
if blockdict[key] != knownblocks[key]:
change_needed = True
except KeyError:
if change_needed:
log.debug(f"Change detected. Updating domain block for {row['domain']}")
update_known_block(token, host, blockdict)
# add a pause here so we don't melt the instance
else:"No differences detected. Not updating.")
except KeyError:
# domain doesn't have an entry, so we need to create one
blockdata = {
'domain': row['domain'],
# Default to Silence if nothing is specified
'severity': row.get('severity', 'silence'),
'public_comment': row['public_comment'],
'private_comment': row['private_comment'],
'reject_media': row.get('reject_media', False),
'reject_reports': row.get('reject_reports', False),
'obfuscate': row.get('obfuscate', False),
}"Adding new block for {blockdata['domain']}...")
add_block(token, host, blockdata)
# add a pause here so we don't melt the instance
def load_config(configfile: str):
"""Augment commandline arguments with config file parameters
Config file is expected to be in TOML format
conf = toml.load(configfile)
return conf
def save_intermediate(blocklist: list, source: str, filedir: str):
"""Save a blocklist we've downloaded from a remote source
Save a local copy of the remote blocklist after downloading it.
if __name__ == '__main__':
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Bulk blocklist tool",
ap.add_argument('-c', '--config', default='/etc/default/fediblockhole.conf.toml', help="Config file")
ap.add_argument('--loglevel', choices=['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'], help="Set log output level.")
args = ap.parse_args()
if args.loglevel is not None:
levelname = args.loglevel.upper()
log.setLevel(getattr(logging, levelname))
# Load the configuration file
conf = load_config(args.config)
# Do the work of syncing

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# List of instances to read blocklists from,
# with the Bearer token authorised by the instance
blocklist_instance_sources = [
domain = '',
token = '<a_token_with_read_auth>'
domain = '',
token = '<a_different_token>'
# List of instances to write blocklist to
blocklist_instance_destinations = [
domain = '',
token = '<read_write_token>'

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