
51 lines
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# List of instances to read blocklists from,
# with the Bearer token authorised by the instance
blocklist_instance_sources = [
{ domain = 'eigenmagic.net', token = '<a_token_with_read_auth>' },
{ domain = 'jorts.horse', token = '<a_different_token>' },
# List of URLs to read csv blocklists from
blocklist_url_sources = [
# List of instances to write blocklist to
blocklist_instance_destinations = [
{ domain = 'eigenmagic.net', token = '<read_write_token>' },
## Store a local copy of the remote blocklists after we fetch them
#keep_intermediate = true
## Directory to store the local blocklist copies
# savedir = '/tmp'
## File to save the fully merged blocklist into
# blocklist_savefile = '/tmp/merged_blocklist.csv'
## Don't push blocklist to instances, even if they're defined above
# no_push_instance = false
## Don't fetch blocklists from URLs, even if they're defined above
# no_fetch_url = false
## Don't fetch blocklists from instances, even if they're defined above
# no_fetch_instance = false
## Set the mergeplan to use when dealing with overlaps between blocklists
# The default 'max' mergeplan will use the harshest severity block found for a domain.
# The 'min' mergeplan will use the lightest severity block found for a domain.
# mergeplan = 'max'
## Set which fields we export
## 'domain' and 'severity' are always exported, these are additional
export_fields = ['public_comment']
## Set which fields we import
## 'domain' and 'severity' are always imported, these are additional
import_fields = ['public_comment', 'reject_media', 'reject_reports', 'obfuscate']