
738 lines
28 KiB
Executable File

"""A tool for managing federated Mastodon blocklists
import argparse
import toml
import csv
import requests
import json
import time
import os.path
import sys
import urllib.request as urlr
from .blocklist_parser import parse_blocklist
from .const import DomainBlock, BlockSeverity
from importlib.metadata import version
__version__ = version('fediblockhole')
import logging
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
log = logging.getLogger('fediblockhole')
# Max size of a URL-fetched blocklist
# Wait at most this long for a remote server to respond
# Time to wait between instance API calls to we don't melt them
# The default Mastodon rate limit is 300 calls per 5 minutes
API_CALL_DELAY = 5 * 60 / 300 # 300 calls per 5 minutes
# We always import the domain and the severity
IMPORT_FIELDS = ['domain', 'severity']
# Allowlists always import these fields
ALLOWLIST_IMPORT_FIELDS = ['domain', 'severity', 'public_comment', 'private_comment', 'reject_media', 'reject_reports', 'obfuscate']
# We always export the domain and the severity
EXPORT_FIELDS = ['domain', 'severity']
def sync_blocklists(conf: argparse.Namespace):
"""Sync instance blocklists from remote sources.
@param conf: A configuration dictionary
# Build a dict of blocklists we retrieve from remote sources.
# We will merge these later using a merge algorithm we choose.
# Always import these fields
import_fields = IMPORT_FIELDS
# Add extra import fields if defined in config
# Always export these fields
export_fields = EXPORT_FIELDS
# Add extra export fields if defined in config
blocklists = {}
# Fetch blocklists from URLs
if not conf.no_fetch_url:
blocklists = fetch_from_urls(blocklists, conf.blocklist_url_sources,
import_fields, conf.save_intermediate, conf.savedir, export_fields)
# Fetch blocklists from remote instances
if not conf.no_fetch_instance:
blocklists = fetch_from_instances(blocklists, conf.blocklist_instance_sources,
import_fields, conf.save_intermediate, conf.savedir, export_fields)
# Merge blocklists into an update dict
merged = merge_blocklists(blocklists, conf.mergeplan)
# Remove items listed in allowlists, if any
allowlists = fetch_allowlists(conf)
merged = apply_allowlists(merged, conf, allowlists)
# Save the final mergelist, if requested
if conf.blocklist_savefile:
log.info(f"Saving merged blocklist to {conf.blocklist_savefile}")
save_blocklist_to_file(merged.values(), conf.blocklist_savefile, export_fields)
# Push the blocklist to destination instances
if not conf.no_push_instance:
log.info("Pushing domain blocks to instances...")
for dest in conf.blocklist_instance_destinations:
domain = dest['domain']
token = dest['token']
scheme = dest.get('scheme', 'https')
max_followed_severity = BlockSeverity(dest.get('max_followed_severity', 'silence'))
push_blocklist(token, domain, merged.values(), conf.dryrun, import_fields, max_followed_severity, scheme)
def apply_allowlists(merged: dict, conf: argparse.Namespace, allowlists: dict):
"""Apply allowlists
# Apply allows specified on the commandline
for domain in conf.allow_domains:
log.info(f"'{domain}' allowed by commandline, removing any blocks...")
if domain in merged:
del merged[domain]
# Apply allows from URLs lists
log.info("Removing domains from URL allowlists...")
for key, alist in allowlists.items():
log.debug(f"Processing allows from '{key}'...")
for allowed in alist:
domain = allowed.domain
log.debug(f"Removing allowlisted domain '{domain}' from merged list.")
if domain in merged:
del merged[domain]
return merged
def fetch_allowlists(conf: argparse.Namespace) -> dict:
if conf.allowlist_url_sources:
allowlists = fetch_from_urls({}, conf.allowlist_url_sources, ALLOWLIST_IMPORT_FIELDS)
return allowlists
return {}
def fetch_from_urls(blocklists: dict, url_sources: dict,
import_fields: list=IMPORT_FIELDS,
save_intermediate: bool=False,
savedir: str=None, export_fields: list=EXPORT_FIELDS) -> dict:
"""Fetch blocklists from URL sources
@param blocklists: A dict of existing blocklists, keyed by source
@param url_sources: A dict of configuration info for url sources
@returns: A dict of blocklists, same as input, but (possibly) modified
log.info("Fetching domain blocks from URLs...")
for item in url_sources:
url = item['url']
# If import fields are provided, they override the global ones passed in
source_import_fields = item.get('import_fields', None)
if source_import_fields:
# Ensure we always use the default fields
import_fields = IMPORT_FIELDS.extend(source_import_fields)
max_severity = item.get('max_severity', 'suspend')
listformat = item.get('format', 'csv')
with urlr.urlopen(url) as fp:
rawdata = fp.read(URL_BLOCKLIST_MAXSIZE).decode('utf-8')
blocklists[url] = parse_blocklist(rawdata, listformat, import_fields, max_severity)
if save_intermediate:
save_intermediate_blocklist(blocklists[url], url, savedir, export_fields)
return blocklists
def fetch_from_instances(blocklists: dict, sources: dict,
import_fields: list=IMPORT_FIELDS,
save_intermediate: bool=False,
savedir: str=None, export_fields: list=EXPORT_FIELDS) -> dict:
"""Fetch blocklists from other instances
@param blocklists: A dict of existing blocklists, keyed by source
@param url_sources: A dict of configuration info for url sources
@returns: A dict of blocklists, same as input, but (possibly) modified
log.info("Fetching domain blocks from instances...")
for item in sources:
domain = item['domain']
admin = item.get('admin', False)
token = item.get('token', None)
scheme = item.get('scheme', 'https')
itemsrc = f"{scheme}://{domain}/api"
# If import fields are provided, they override the global ones passed in
source_import_fields = item.get('import_fields', None)
if source_import_fields:
# Ensure we always use the default fields
import_fields = IMPORT_FIELDS.extend(source_import_fields)
# Add the blocklist with the domain as the source key
blocklists[itemsrc] = fetch_instance_blocklist(domain, token, admin, import_fields, scheme)
if save_intermediate:
save_intermediate_blocklist(blocklists[itemsrc], domain, savedir, export_fields)
return blocklists
def merge_blocklists(blocklists: dict, mergeplan: str='max') -> dict:
"""Merge fetched remote blocklists into a bulk update
@param blocklists: A dict of lists of DomainBlocks, keyed by source.
Each value is a list of DomainBlocks
@param mergeplan: An optional method of merging overlapping block definitions
'max' (the default) uses the highest severity block found
'min' uses the lowest severity block found
@param returns: A dict of DomainBlocks keyed by domain
merged = {}
for key, blist in blocklists.items():
log.debug(f"processing blocklist from: {key} ...")
for newblock in blist:
domain = newblock.domain
# If the domain has two asterisks in it, it's obfuscated
# and we can't really use it, so skip it and do the next one
if '*' in domain:
log.debug(f"Domain '{domain}' is obfuscated. Skipping it.")
elif domain in merged:
log.debug(f"Overlapping block for domain {domain}. Merging...")
blockdata = apply_mergeplan(merged[domain], newblock, mergeplan)
# New block
blockdata = newblock
# end if
log.debug(f"blockdata is: {blockdata}")
merged[domain] = blockdata
# end for
return merged
def apply_mergeplan(oldblock: DomainBlock, newblock: DomainBlock, mergeplan: str='max') -> dict:
"""Use a mergeplan to decide how to merge two overlapping block definitions
@param oldblock: The existing block definition.
@param newblock: The new block definition we want to merge in.
@param mergeplan: How to merge. Choices are 'max', the default, and 'min'.
# Default to the existing block definition
blockdata = oldblock._asdict()
# Merge comments
keylist = ['public_comment', 'private_comment']
for key in keylist:
oldcomment = getattr(oldblock, key)
newcomment = getattr(newblock, key)
blockdata[key] = merge_comments(oldcomment, newcomment)
except KeyError:
log.debug(f"Key '{key}' missing from block definition so cannot compare. Continuing...")
# How do we override an earlier block definition?
if mergeplan in ['max', None]:
# Use the highest block level found (the default)
log.debug(f"Using 'max' mergeplan.")
if newblock.severity > oldblock.severity:
log.debug(f"New block severity is higher. Using that.")
blockdata['severity'] = newblock.severity
# For 'reject_media', 'reject_reports', and 'obfuscate' if
# the value is set and is True for the domain in
# any blocklist then the value is set to True.
for key in ['reject_media', 'reject_reports', 'obfuscate']:
newval = getattr(newblock, key)
if newval == True:
blockdata[key] = True
elif mergeplan in ['min']:
# Use the lowest block level found
log.debug(f"Using 'min' mergeplan.")
if newblock.severity < oldblock.severity:
blockdata['severity'] = newblock.severity
# For 'reject_media', 'reject_reports', and 'obfuscate' if
# the value is set and is False for the domain in
# any blocklist then the value is set to False.
for key in ['reject_media', 'reject_reports', 'obfuscate']:
newval = getattr(newblock, key)
if newval == False:
blockdata[key] = False
raise NotImplementedError(f"Mergeplan '{mergeplan}' not implemented.")
log.debug(f"Block severity set to {blockdata['severity']}")
return DomainBlock(**blockdata)
def merge_comments(oldcomment:str, newcomment:str) -> str:
""" Merge two comments
@param oldcomment: The original comment we're merging into
@param newcomment: The new commment we want to merge in
@returns: a new str of the merged comment
# Don't merge if both comments are None or ''
if oldcomment in ['', None] and newcomment in ['', None]:
return ''
# If both comments are the same, or new comment is empty, don't merge
if oldcomment == newcomment or newcomment in ['', None]:
return oldcomment
# If old comment is empty, just return the new one
if oldcomment in ['', None]:
return newcomment
# We want to skip duplicate fragments so we don't end up
# re-concatenating the same strings every time there's an
# update, causing the comment to grow without bound.
# We tokenize the comments, splitting them on ', ', and comparing
# the tokens, skipping duplicates.
# This means "boring, lack of moderation, nazis, scrapers" merging
# with "lack of moderation, scrapers" should result in
# "boring, lack of moderation, nazis, scrapers"
old_tokens = oldcomment.split(', ')
new_tokens = newcomment.split(', ')
# Remove any empty string tokens that we get
while '' in old_tokens:
while '' in new_tokens:
# Remove duplicate tokens
for token in old_tokens:
if token in new_tokens:
# Combine whatever tokens are left into one set
tokenset = old_tokens
# Return the merged string
return ', '.join(tokenset)
def requests_headers(token: str=None):
"""Set common headers for requests"""
headers = {
'User-Agent': f"FediBlockHole/{__version__}"
if token:
headers['Authorization'] = f"Bearer {token}"
return headers
def fetch_instance_blocklist(host: str, token: str=None, admin: bool=False,
import_fields: list=['domain', 'severity'],
scheme: str='https') -> list[DomainBlock]:
"""Fetch existing block list from server
@param host: The remote host to connect to.
@param token: The (optional) OAuth Bearer token to authenticate with.
@param admin: Boolean flag to use the admin API if True.
@param import_fields: A list of fields to import from the remote instance.
@returns: A list of the domain blocks from the instance.
log.info(f"Fetching instance blocklist from {host} ...")
if admin:
api_path = "/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks"
parse_format = 'json'
api_path = "/api/v1/instance/domain_blocks"
parse_format = 'mastodon_api_public'
headers = requests_headers(token)
url = f"{scheme}://{host}{api_path}"
blocklist = []
link = True
while link:
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
if response.status_code != 200:
log.error(f"Cannot fetch remote blocklist: {response.content}")
raise ValueError("Unable to fetch domain block list: %s", response)
blocklist.extend( parse_blocklist(response.content, parse_format, import_fields) )
# Parse the link header to find the next url to fetch
# This is a weird and janky way of doing pagination but
# hey nothing we can do about it we just have to deal
link = response.headers.get('Link', None)
if link is None:
pagination = link.split(', ')
if len(pagination) != 2:
link = None
next = pagination[0]
# prev = pagination[1]
urlstring, rel = next.split('; ')
url = urlstring.strip('<').rstrip('>')
return blocklist
def delete_block(token: str, host: str, id: int, scheme: str='https'):
"""Remove a domain block"""
log.debug(f"Removing domain block {id} at {host}...")
api_path = "/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/"
url = f"{scheme}://{host}{api_path}{id}"
response = requests.delete(url,
if response.status_code != 200:
if response.status_code == 404:
log.warning(f"No such domain block: {id}")
raise ValueError(f"Something went wrong: {response.status_code}: {response.content}")
def fetch_instance_follows(token: str, host: str, domain: str, scheme: str='https') -> int:
"""Fetch the followers of the target domain at the instance
@param token: the Bearer authentication token for OAuth access
@param host: the instance API hostname/IP address
@param domain: the domain to search for followers of
@returns: int, number of local followers of remote instance accounts
api_path = "/api/v1/admin/measures"
url = f"{scheme}://{host}{api_path}"
key = 'instance_follows'
# This data structure only allows us to request a single domain
# at a time, which limits the load on the remote instance of each call
data = {
'keys': [
key: { 'domain': domain },
# The Mastodon API only accepts JSON formatted POST data for measures
response = requests.post(url,
if response.status_code != 200:
if response.status_code == 403:
log.error(f"Cannot fetch follow information for {domain} from {host}: {response.content}")
raise ValueError(f"Something went wrong: {response.status_code}: {response.content}")
# Get the total returned
follows = int(response.json()[0]['total'])
return follows
def check_followed_severity(host: str, token: str, domain: str,
severity: BlockSeverity,
max_followed_severity: BlockSeverity=BlockSeverity('silence'),
scheme: str='https'):
"""Check an instance to see if it has followers of a to-be-blocked instance"""
log.debug("Checking followed severity...")
# Return straight away if we're not increasing the severity
if severity <= max_followed_severity:
return severity
# If the instance has accounts that follow people on the to-be-blocked domain,
# limit the maximum severity to the configured `max_followed_severity`.
log.debug("checking for instance follows...")
follows = fetch_instance_follows(token, host, domain, scheme)
if follows > 0:
log.debug(f"Instance {host} has {follows} followers of accounts at {domain}.")
if severity > max_followed_severity:
log.warning(f"Instance {host} has {follows} followers of accounts at {domain}. Limiting block severity to {max_followed_severity}.")
return max_followed_severity
return severity
def is_change_needed(oldblock: dict, newblock: dict, import_fields: list):
change_needed = oldblock.compare_fields(newblock, import_fields)
return change_needed
def update_known_block(token: str, host: str, block: DomainBlock, scheme: str='https'):
"""Update an existing domain block with information in blockdict"""
api_path = "/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/"
id = block.id
blockdata = block._asdict()
del blockdata['id']
except KeyError:
import pdb
url = f"{scheme}://{host}{api_path}{id}"
response = requests.put(url,
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(f"Something went wrong: {response.status_code}: {response.content}")
def add_block(token: str, host: str, blockdata: DomainBlock, scheme: str='https'):
"""Block a domain on Mastodon host
log.debug(f"Adding block entry for {blockdata.domain} at {host}...")
api_path = "/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks"
url = f"{scheme}://{host}{api_path}"
response = requests.post(url,
if response.status_code == 422:
# A stricter block already exists. Probably for the base domain.
err = json.loads(response.content)
elif response.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(f"Something went wrong: {response.status_code}: {response.content}")
def push_blocklist(token: str, host: str, blocklist: list[dict],
dryrun: bool=False,
import_fields: list=['domain', 'severity'],
scheme: str='https',
"""Push a blocklist to a remote instance.
Merging the blocklist with the existing list the instance has,
updating existing entries if they exist.
@param token: The Bearer token for OAUTH API authentication
@param host: The instance host, FQDN or IP
@param blocklist: A list of block definitions. They must include the domain.
@param import_fields: A list of fields to import to the instances.
log.info(f"Pushing blocklist to host {host} ...")
# Fetch the existing blocklist from the instance
# Force use of the admin API, and add 'id' to the list of fields
if 'id' not in import_fields:
serverblocks = fetch_instance_blocklist(host, token, True, import_fields, scheme)
# # Convert serverblocks to a dictionary keyed by domain name
knownblocks = {row.domain: row for row in serverblocks}
for newblock in blocklist:
log.debug(f"Processing block: {newblock}")
oldblock = knownblocks.get(newblock.domain, None)
if oldblock:
log.debug(f"Block already exists for {newblock.domain}, checking for differences...")
change_needed = is_change_needed(oldblock, newblock, import_fields)
# Is the severity changing?
if 'severity' in change_needed:
log.debug("Severity change requested, checking...")
if newblock.severity > oldblock.severity:
# Confirm if we really want to change the severity
# If we still have followers of the remote domain, we may not
# want to go all the way to full suspend, depending on the configuration
newseverity = check_followed_severity(host, token, oldblock.domain, newblock.severity, max_followed_severity, scheme)
if newseverity != oldblock.severity:
newblock.severity = newseverity
log.info("Keeping severity of block the same to avoid disrupting followers.")
if change_needed:
log.info(f"Change detected. Need to update {change_needed} for domain block for {oldblock.domain}")
log.info(f"Old block definition: {oldblock}")
log.info(f"Pushing new block definition: {newblock}")
blockdata = oldblock.copy()
log.debug(f"Block as dict: {blockdata._asdict()}")
if not dryrun:
update_known_block(token, host, blockdata, scheme)
# add a pause here so we don't melt the instance
log.info("Dry run selected. Not applying changes.")
log.debug("No differences detected. Not updating.")
# This is a new block for the target instance, so we
# need to add a block rather than update an existing one
log.info(f"Adding new block: {newblock}...")
log.debug(f"Block as dict: {newblock._asdict()}")
# Make sure the new block doesn't clobber a domain with followers
newblock.severity = check_followed_severity(host, token, newblock.domain, newblock.severity, max_followed_severity, scheme)
if not dryrun:
add_block(token, host, newblock, scheme)
# add a pause here so we don't melt the instance
log.info("Dry run selected. Not adding block.")
def load_config(configfile: str):
"""Augment commandline arguments with config file parameters
Config file is expected to be in TOML format
conf = toml.load(configfile)
return conf
def save_intermediate_blocklist(
blocklist: list[dict], source: str,
filedir: str,
export_fields: list=['domain','severity']):
"""Save a local copy of a blocklist we've downloaded
# Invent a filename based on the remote source
# If the source was a URL, convert it to something less messy
# If the source was a remote domain, just use the name of the domain
log.debug(f"Saving intermediate blocklist from {source}")
source = source.replace('/','-')
filename = f"{source}.csv"
filepath = os.path.join(filedir, filename)
save_blocklist_to_file(blocklist, filepath, export_fields)
def save_blocklist_to_file(
blocklist: list[DomainBlock],
filepath: str,
export_fields: list=['domain','severity']):
"""Save a blocklist we've downloaded from a remote source
@param blocklist: A dictionary of block definitions, keyed by domain
@param filepath: The path to the file the list should be saved in.
@param export_fields: Which fields to include in the export.
blocklist = sorted(blocklist, key=lambda x: x.domain)
except KeyError:
log.error("Field 'domain' not found in blocklist.")
log.debug(f"blocklist is: {blocklist}")
log.debug(f"export fields: {export_fields}")
with open(filepath, "w") as fp:
writer = csv.DictWriter(fp, export_fields, extrasaction='ignore')
for item in blocklist:
def augment_args(args, tomldata: str=None):
"""Augment commandline arguments with config file parameters
If tomldata is provided, uses that data instead of loading
from a config file.
if tomldata:
conf = toml.loads(tomldata)
conf = toml.load(args.config)
if not args.no_fetch_url:
args.no_fetch_url = conf.get('no_fetch_url', False)
if not args.no_fetch_instance:
args.no_fetch_instance = conf.get('no_fetch_instance', False)
if not args.no_push_instance:
args.no_push_instance = conf.get('no_push_instance', False)
if not args.blocklist_savefile:
args.blocklist_savefile = conf.get('blocklist_savefile', None)
if not args.save_intermediate:
args.save_intermediate = conf.get('save_intermediate', False)
if not args.savedir:
args.savedir = conf.get('savedir', '/tmp')
if not args.export_fields:
args.export_fields = conf.get('export_fields', [])
if not args.import_fields:
args.import_fields = conf.get('import_fields', [])
if not args.mergeplan:
args.mergeplan = conf.get('mergeplan', 'max')
args.blocklist_url_sources = conf.get('blocklist_url_sources', [])
args.blocklist_instance_sources = conf.get('blocklist_instance_sources', [])
args.allowlist_url_sources = conf.get('allowlist_url_sources', [])
args.blocklist_instance_destinations = conf.get('blocklist_instance_destinations', [])
return args
def setup_argparse():
"""Setup the commandline arguments
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Bulk blocklist tool",
epilog=f"Part of FediBlockHole v{__version__}",
ap.add_argument('-c', '--config', default='/etc/default/fediblockhole.conf.toml', help="Config file")
ap.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='store_true', help="Show version and exit.")
ap.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', dest="blocklist_savefile", help="Save merged blocklist to a local file.")
ap.add_argument('-S', '--save-intermediate', dest="save_intermediate", action='store_true', help="Save intermediate blocklists we fetch to local files.")
ap.add_argument('-D', '--savedir', dest="savedir", help="Directory path to save intermediate lists.")
ap.add_argument('-m', '--mergeplan', choices=['min', 'max'], help="Set mergeplan.")
ap.add_argument('-I', '--import-field', dest='import_fields', action='append', help="Extra blocklist fields to import.")
ap.add_argument('-E', '--export-field', dest='export_fields', action='append', help="Extra blocklist fields to export.")
ap.add_argument('-A', '--allow', dest="allow_domains", action='append', default=[], help="Override any blocks to allow this domain.")
ap.add_argument('--no-fetch-url', dest='no_fetch_url', action='store_true', help="Don't fetch from URLs, even if configured.")
ap.add_argument('--no-fetch-instance', dest='no_fetch_instance', action='store_true', help="Don't fetch from instances, even if configured.")
ap.add_argument('--no-push-instance', dest='no_push_instance', action='store_true', help="Don't push to instances, even if configured.")
ap.add_argument('--loglevel', choices=['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'], help="Set log output level.")
ap.add_argument('--dryrun', action='store_true', help="Don't actually push updates, just show what would happen.")
return ap
def main():
ap = setup_argparse()
args = ap.parse_args()
if args.loglevel is not None:
levelname = args.loglevel.upper()
log.setLevel(getattr(logging, levelname))
if args.version:
# Load the configuration file
args = augment_args(args)
# Do the work of syncing