
511 lines
20 KiB
Executable File

# Export and import blocklists via API
import argparse
import toml
import csv
import requests
import json
import time
import os.path
import urllib.request as urlr
import logging
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
# Max size of a URL-fetched blocklist
log = logging.getLogger('fediblock_sync')
CONFIGFILE = "/home/mastodon/etc/admin.conf"
# The relative severity levels of blocks
'noop': 0,
'silence': 1,
'suspend': 2,
# Default for 'reject_media' setting for each severity level
'noop': False,
'silence': True,
'suspend': True,
# Default for 'reject_reports' setting for each severity level
'noop': False,
'silence': True,
'suspend': True,
def sync_blocklists(conf: dict):
"""Sync instance blocklists from remote sources.
@param conf: A configuration dictionary
# Build a dict of blocklists we retrieve from remote sources.
# We will merge these later using a merge algorithm we choose.
# Always import these fields
import_fields = ['domain', 'severity']
# Add extra import fields if defined in config
# Always export these fields
export_fields = ['domain', 'severity']
# Add extra export fields if defined in config
blocklists = {}
# Fetch blocklists from URLs
if not conf.no_fetch_url:
log.info("Fetching domain blocks from URLs...")
for listurl in conf.blocklist_url_sources:
blocklists[listurl] = []
with urlr.urlopen(listurl) as fp:
rawdata = fp.read(URL_BLOCKLIST_MAXSIZE).decode('utf-8')
reader = csv.DictReader(rawdata.split('\n'))
for row in reader:
# Coerce booleans from string to Python bool
for boolkey in ['reject_media', 'reject_reports', 'obfuscate']:
if boolkey in row:
row[boolkey] = str2bool(row[boolkey])
# Remove fields we don't want to import
origrow = row.copy()
for key in origrow:
if key not in import_fields:
del row[key]
if conf.save_intermediate:
save_intermediate_blocklist(blocklists[listurl], listurl, conf.savedir, export_fields)
# Fetch blocklists from remote instances
if not conf.no_fetch_instance:
log.info("Fetching domain blocks from instances...")
for blocklist_src in conf.blocklist_instance_sources:
domain = blocklist_src['domain']
token = blocklist_src['token']
blocklists[domain] = fetch_instance_blocklist(token, domain, import_fields)
if conf.save_intermediate:
save_intermediate_blocklist(blocklists[domain], domain, conf.savedir, export_fields)
# Merge blocklists into an update dict
merged = merge_blocklists(blocklists, conf.mergeplan)
if conf.blocklist_savefile:
log.info(f"Saving merged blocklist to {conf.blocklist_savefile}")
save_blocklist_to_file(merged.values(), conf.blocklist_savefile, export_fields)
# Push the blocklist to destination instances
if not conf.no_push_instance:
log.info("Pushing domain blocks to instances...")
for dest in conf.blocklist_instance_destinations:
domain = dest['domain']
token = dest['token']
push_blocklist(token, domain, merged.values(), conf.dryrun, import_fields)
def merge_blocklists(blocklists: dict, mergeplan: str='max') -> dict:
"""Merge fetched remote blocklists into a bulk update
@param mergeplan: An optional method of merging overlapping block definitions
'max' (the default) uses the highest severity block found
'min' uses the lowest severity block found
merged = {}
for key, blist in blocklists.items():
log.debug(f"processing key {key} blist...")
for newblock in blist:
domain = newblock['domain']
if domain in merged:
log.debug(f"Overlapping block for domain {domain}. Merging...")
blockdata = apply_mergeplan(merged[domain], newblock, mergeplan)
# New block
blockdata = newblock
# blockdata = {
# 'domain': newblock['domain'],
# # Default to Silence if nothing is specified
# 'severity': newblock.get('severity', 'silence'),
# 'public_comment': newblock.get('public_comment', ''),
# 'obfuscate': newblock.get('obfuscate', True), # default obfuscate to True
# }
# sev = blockdata['severity'] # convenience variable
# blockdata['reject_media'] = newblock.get('reject_media', REJECT_MEDIA_DEFAULT[sev])
# blockdata['reject_reports'] = newblock.get('reject_reports', REJECT_REPORTS_DEFAULT[sev])
# end if
log.debug(f"blockdata is: {blockdata}")
merged[domain] = blockdata
# end for
return merged
def apply_mergeplan(oldblock: dict, newblock: dict, mergeplan: str='max') -> dict:
"""Use a mergeplan to decide how to merge two overlapping block definitions
@param oldblock: The exist block definition.
@param newblock: The new block definition we want to merge in.
@param mergeplan: How to merge. Choices are 'max', the default, and 'min'.
# Default to the existing block definition
blockdata = oldblock.copy()
# If the public or private comment is different,
# append it to the existing comment, joined with a newline
# unless the comment is None or an empty string
keylist = ['public_comment', 'private_comment']
for key in keylist:
if oldblock[key] != newblock[key] and newblock[key] not in ['', None]:
blockdata[key] = '\n'.join([oldblock[key], newblock[key]])
except KeyError:
log.debug(f"Key '{key}' missing from block definition so cannot compare. Continuing...")
# How do we override an earlier block definition?
if mergeplan in ['max', None]:
# Use the highest block level found (the default)
log.debug(f"Using 'max' mergeplan.")
if SEVERITY[newblock['severity']] > SEVERITY[oldblock['severity']]:
log.debug(f"New block severity is higher. Using that.")
blockdata['severity'] = newblock['severity']
# If obfuscate is set and is True for the domain in
# any blocklist then obfuscate is set to false.
if newblock.get('obfuscate', False):
blockdata['obfuscate'] = True
elif mergeplan in ['min']:
# Use the lowest block level found
log.debug(f"Using 'min' mergeplan.")
if SEVERITY[newblock['severity']] < SEVERITY[oldblock['severity']]:
blockdata['severity'] = newblock['severity']
# If obfuscate is set and is False for the domain in
# any blocklist then obfuscate is set to False.
if not newblock.get('obfuscate', True):
blockdata['obfuscate'] = False
raise NotImplementedError(f"Mergeplan '{mergeplan}' not implemented.")
log.debug(f"Block severity set to {blockdata['severity']}")
# Use the severity level to set rejections, if not defined in newblock
# If severity level is 'suspend', it doesn't matter what the settings is for
# 'reject_media' or 'reject_reports'
# blockdata['reject_media'] = newblock.get('reject_media', REJECT_MEDIA_DEFAULT[blockdata['severity']])
# blockdata['reject_reports'] = newblock.get('reject_reports', REJECT_REPORTS_DEFAULT[blockdata['severity']])
# log.debug(f"set reject_media to: {blockdata['reject_media']}")
# log.debug(f"set reject_reports to: {blockdata['reject_reports']}")
return blockdata
def fetch_instance_blocklist(token: str, host: str,
import_fields: list=['domain', 'severity']) -> list:
"""Fetch existing block list from server
@param token: The OAuth Bearer token to authenticate with.
@param host: The remote host to connect to.
@param import_fields: A list of fields to import from the remote instance.
@returns: A list of the admin domain blocks from the instance.
log.info(f"Fetching instance blocklist from {host} ...")
api_path = "/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks"
url = f"https://{host}{api_path}"
domain_blocks = []
link = True
while link:
response = requests.get(url, headers={'Authorization': f"Bearer {token}"})
if response.status_code != 200:
log.error(f"Cannot fetch remote blocklist: {response.content}")
raise ValueError("Unable to fetch domain block list: %s", response)
# Parse the link header to find the next url to fetch
# This is a weird and janky way of doing pagination but
# hey nothing we can do about it we just have to deal
link = response.headers['Link']
pagination = link.split(', ')
if len(pagination) != 2:
link = None
next = pagination[0]
prev = pagination[1]
urlstring, rel = next.split('; ')
url = urlstring.strip('<').rstrip('>')
log.debug(f"Found {len(domain_blocks)} existing domain blocks.")
# Remove fields not in import list
for row in domain_blocks:
origrow = row.copy()
for key in origrow:
if key not in import_fields:
del row[key]
return domain_blocks
def delete_block(token: str, host: str, id: int):
"""Remove a domain block"""
log.debug(f"Removing domain block {id} at {host}...")
api_path = "/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/"
url = f"https://{host}{api_path}{id}"
response = requests.delete(url,
headers={'Authorization': f"Bearer {token}"}
if response.status_code != 200:
if response.status_code == 404:
log.warn(f"No such domain block: {id}")
raise ValueError(f"Something went wrong: {response.status_code}: {response.content}")
def update_known_block(token: str, host: str, blockdict: dict):
"""Update an existing domain block with information in blockdict"""
api_path = "/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/"
id = blockdict['id']
blockdata = blockdict.copy()
del blockdata['id']
url = f"https://{host}{api_path}{id}"
response = requests.put(url,
headers={'Authorization': f"Bearer {token}"},
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(f"Something went wrong: {response.status_code}: {response.content}")
def add_block(token: str, host: str, blockdata: dict):
"""Block a domain on Mastodon host
log.debug(f"Blocking domain {blockdata['domain']} at {host}...")
api_path = "/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks"
url = f"https://{host}{api_path}"
response = requests.post(url,
headers={'Authorization': f"Bearer {token}"},
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(f"Something went wrong: {response.status_code}: {response.content}")
def push_blocklist(token: str, host: str, blocklist: list[dict],
dryrun: bool=False,
import_fields: list=['domain', 'severity']):
"""Push a blocklist to a remote instance.
Merging the blocklist with the existing list the instance has,
updating existing entries if they exist.
@param token: The Bearer token for OAUTH API authentication
@param host: The instance host, FQDN or IP
@param blocklist: A list of block definitions. They must include the domain.
@param import_fields: A list of fields to import to the instances.
log.info(f"Pushing blocklist to host {host} ...")
# Fetch the existing blocklist from the instance
serverblocks = fetch_instance_blocklist(token, host, import_fields)
# Convert serverblocks to a dictionary keyed by domain name
knownblocks = {row['domain']: row for row in serverblocks}
for newblock in blocklist:
log.debug(f"applying newblock: {newblock}")
oldblock = knownblocks[newblock['domain']]
log.debug(f"Block already exists for {newblock['domain']}, checking for differences...")
# Check if anything is actually different and needs updating
change_needed = False
for key in import_fields:
oldval = oldblock[key]
newval = newblock[key]
log.debug(f"Compare {key} '{oldval}' <> '{newval}'")
if oldval != newval:
log.debug("Difference detected. Change needed.")
change_needed = True
except KeyError:
log.debug(f"Key '{key}' missing from block definition so cannot compare. Continuing...")
if change_needed:
log.info(f"Change detected. Updating domain block for {oldblock['domain']}")
blockdata = oldblock.copy()
if not dryrun:
update_known_block(token, host, blockdata)
# add a pause here so we don't melt the instance
log.info("Dry run selected. Not applying changes.")
log.debug("No differences detected. Not updating.")
except KeyError:
# This is a new block for the target instance, so we
# need to add a block rather than update an existing one
blockdata = {
'domain': newblock['domain'],
# Default to Silence if nothing is specified
'severity': newblock.get('severity', 'silence'),
'public_comment': newblock.get('public_comment', ''),
'private_comment': newblock.get('private_comment', ''),
'reject_media': newblock.get('reject_media', False),
'reject_reports': newblock.get('reject_reports', False),
'obfuscate': newblock.get('obfuscate', False),
log.info(f"Adding new block for {blockdata['domain']}...")
if not dryrun:
add_block(token, host, blockdata)
# add a pause here so we don't melt the instance
log.info("Dry run selected. Not adding block.")
def load_config(configfile: str):
"""Augment commandline arguments with config file parameters
Config file is expected to be in TOML format
conf = toml.load(configfile)
return conf
def save_intermediate_blocklist(
blocklist: list[dict], source: str,
filedir: str,
export_fields: list=['domain','severity']):
"""Save a local copy of a blocklist we've downloaded
# Invent a filename based on the remote source
# If the source was a URL, convert it to something less messy
# If the source was a remote domain, just use the name of the domain
log.debug(f"Saving intermediate blocklist from {source}")
source = source.replace('/','-')
filename = f"{source}.csv"
filepath = os.path.join(filedir, filename)
save_blocklist_to_file(blocklist, filepath, export_fields)
def save_blocklist_to_file(
blocklist: list[dict],
filepath: str,
export_fields: list=['domain','severity']):
"""Save a blocklist we've downloaded from a remote source
@param blocklist: A dictionary of block definitions, keyed by domain
@param filepath: The path to the file the list should be saved in.
@param export_fields: Which fields to include in the export.
blocklist = sorted(blocklist, key=lambda x: x['domain'])
except KeyError:
log.error("Field 'domain' not found in blocklist. Are you sure the URLs are correct?")
log.debug(f"blocklist is: {blocklist}")
log.debug(f"export fields: {export_fields}")
with open(filepath, "w") as fp:
writer = csv.DictWriter(fp, export_fields, extrasaction='ignore')
def augment_args(args):
"""Augment commandline arguments with config file parameters"""
conf = toml.load(args.config)
if not args.no_fetch_url:
args.no_fetch_url = conf.get('no_fetch_url', False)
if not args.no_fetch_instance:
args.no_fetch_instance = conf.get('no_fetch_instance', False)
if not args.no_push_instance:
args.no_push_instance = conf.get('no_push_instance', False)
if not args.blocklist_savefile:
args.blocklist_savefile = conf.get('blocklist_savefile', None)
if not args.save_intermediate:
args.save_intermediate = conf.get('save_intermediate', False)
if not args.savedir:
args.savedir = conf.get('savedir', '/tmp')
if not args.export_fields:
args.export_fields = conf.get('export_fields', [])
if not args.import_fields:
args.import_fields = conf.get('import_fields', [])
args.blocklist_url_sources = conf.get('blocklist_url_sources')
args.blocklist_instance_sources = conf.get('blocklist_instance_sources')
args.blocklist_instance_destinations = conf.get('blocklist_instance_destinations')
return args
def str2bool(boolstring: str) -> bool:
"""Helper function to convert boolean strings to actual Python bools
boolstring = boolstring.lower()
if boolstring in ['true', 't', '1', 'y', 'yes']:
return True
elif boolstring in ['false', 'f', '0', 'n', 'no']:
return False
raise ValueError(f"Cannot parse value '{boolstring}' as boolean")
if __name__ == '__main__':
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Bulk blocklist tool",
ap.add_argument('-c', '--config', default='/etc/default/fediblockhole.conf.toml', help="Config file")
ap.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', dest="blocklist_savefile", help="Save merged blocklist to a local file.")
ap.add_argument('-S', '--save-intermediate', dest="save_intermediate", action='store_true', help="Save intermediate blocklists we fetch to local files.")
ap.add_argument('-D', '--savedir', dest="savedir", help="Directory path to save intermediate lists.")
ap.add_argument('-m', '--mergeplan', choices=['min', 'max'], default='max', help="Set mergeplan.")
ap.add_argument('-I', '--import-field', dest='import_fields', action='append', help="Extra blocklist fields to import.")
ap.add_argument('-E', '--export-field', dest='export_fields', action='append', help="Extra blocklist fields to export.")
ap.add_argument('--no-fetch-url', dest='no_fetch_url', action='store_true', help="Don't fetch from URLs, even if configured.")
ap.add_argument('--no-fetch-instance', dest='no_fetch_instance', action='store_true', help="Don't fetch from instances, even if configured.")
ap.add_argument('--no-push-instance', dest='no_push_instance', action='store_true', help="Don't push to instances, even if configured.")
ap.add_argument('--loglevel', choices=['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'], help="Set log output level.")
ap.add_argument('--dryrun', action='store_true', help="Don't actually push updates, just show what would happen.")
args = ap.parse_args()
if args.loglevel is not None:
levelname = args.loglevel.upper()
log.setLevel(getattr(logging, levelname))
# Load the configuration file
args = augment_args(args)
# Do the work of syncing