How to get it working: - [X] Landsbankinn API client for arbitrary transaction lists - [ ] Transform raw transactions into friendlier ones (i.e. date objects) - [X] Content script that can run all the time and puts a button somewhere (statements tab, and extension icon) - [X] Use config.ts to set TTL for state - [ ] Background page that downloads all the shit and combines into CSV, then 'downloads' file. - [X] Build up communication message passing to background page for downloads - [X] Don't run level on client. - [-] Investigate persistent = false + setTimeout - [ ] Maybe can force clear state when page reloads itself? - [X] Change ready true/false to lock state, of not updated, updating, ready - [X] Graphql API client to get information about user, like listing accounts. - [X] Get working client - [X] Set API key - [X] Set bearer token - [X] Intercept bearer token by yoinking it out of a request