From 2e8ba67086ebcd599d0e3aabc5e7f0f76e9fa5b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: projectmoon <>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2024 17:07:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Gemini: emit events

--- |   3 +    | 252 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 2 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 12dd2c3..16ee645 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -218,6 +218,9 @@
 # Gemini Tool
+ - Emit events and citations.
  - Check MIME type of response (and only handle it if it's gemtext).
diff --git a/ b/
index d3c69d0..b6c4dd2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 title: Gemini Protocol Tool
 author: projectmoon
-version: 0.1.2
+version: 0.2.0
 license: AGPL-3.0+
 required_open_webui_version: 0.4.3
 requirements: ignition-gemini
@@ -13,6 +13,24 @@ from ignition import RedirectResponse, SuccessResponse
 from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
 from typing import Optional
+# From
+def remove_emojis(text):
+    pattern = re.compile(pattern = "["
+        u"\U0001F600-\U0001F64F"  # emoticons
+        u"\U0001F300-\U0001F5FF"  # symbols & pictographs
+        u"\U0001F680-\U0001F6FF"  # transport & map symbols
+        u"\U0001F1E0-\U0001F1FF"  # flags (iOS)
+                           "]+", flags = re.UNICODE)
+    return pattern.sub(r'',text)
+def extract_title(content: str, fallback: str="") -> Optional[str]:
+    lines = [line.strip() for line in content.splitlines()]
+    title = next(filter(lambda line: line.startswith("#"), lines), None)
+    if title:
+        return remove_emojis(title.lstrip('#'))
+    else:
+        return fallback
 def result_instructions(url: str, redirect: bool=False) -> str:
     content_instructions = (
         "Report the content to the user and answer their question."
@@ -44,94 +62,162 @@ def instructions(url: str, redirect: bool=False) -> str:
         "The Gemtext content is below in the code block."
-def correct_url(url: str) -> str:
-    if url.startswith("gemini://http://"):
-        match = re.match(r'gemini://http://(.+)', url)
-        if match:
-            return f"gemini://{}"
+class GeminiFetcher:
+    def __init__(self, gemini_url: str, correct_urls: bool=False, event_emitter=None):
+        self.original_url = gemini_url
+        self.current_url = None
+        self.correct_urls = correct_urls
+        self.event_emitter = event_emitter
+    async def fetch_event(self, done: bool):
+        if not self.event_emitter:
+            return
+        description = (f"Fetched: {self.original_url}" if done
+                       else f"Fetching: {self.original_url}")
+        await self.event_emitter({
+            "type": "status",
+            "data": {
+                "status": "complete" if done else "in_progress",
+                "description": description,
+                "done": done,
+            },
+        })
+    async def error_event(self, message: str="There was an error"):
+        if not self.event_emitter:
+            return
+        await self.event_emitter({
+            "type": "status",
+            "data": {
+                "status": "error",
+                "description": message,
+                "done": True,
+            },
+        })
+    async def create_citation(self, title: str, content: str):
+        if not self.event_emitter:
+            return
+        document = content
+        await self.event_emitter({
+            "type": "source",
+            "data": {
+                "document": [document],
+                "metadata": [{"source": title, "html": False }],
+                "source": {"name": title, "url": self.original_url},
+            }
+        })
+    async def complete_event(self, content: str):
+        title = extract_title(content, self.original_url)
+        await self.fetch_event(done=True)
+        await self.create_citation(title, content)
+    def correct_url(self, url: str) -> str:
+        if url.startswith("gemini://http://"):
+            match = re.match(r'gemini://http://(.+)', url)
+            if match:
+                return f"gemini://{}"
+            return url
+        if url.startswith("gemini://https://"):
+            match = re.match(r'gemini://https://(.+)', url)
+            if match:
+                return f"gemini://{}"
+            return url
+        if url.startswith("https://"):
+            match = re.match(r'https://(.+)', url)
+            if match:
+                return f"gemini://{}"
+            return url
+        if url.startswith("http://"):
+            match = re.match(r'http://(.+)', url)
+            if match:
+                return f"gemini://{}"
+            return url
+        if not url.startswith("gemini://"):
+            return f"gemini://{url}"
         return url
-    if url.startswith("gemini://https://"):
-        match = re.match(r'gemini://https://(.+)', url)
-        if match:
-            return f"gemini://{}"
-        return url
-    if url.startswith("https://"):
-        match = re.match(r'https://(.+)', url)
-        if match:
-            return f"gemini://{}"
-        return url
+    async def fetch(self, prev_url: Optional[str]=None, redirects: int=0) -> dict:
+        await self.fetch_event(done=False)
+        gemini_url = (self.current_url
+                      if self.current_url is not None
+                      else self.original_url)
-    if url.startswith("http://"):
-        match = re.match(r'http://(.+)', url)
-        if match:
-            return f"gemini://{}"
-        return url
-    if not url.startswith("gemini://"):
-        return f"gemini://{url}"
-    return url
-def fetch(gemini_url: str, correct_urls: bool=False, prev_url: Optional[str]=None, redirects: int=0) -> dict:
-    if redirects > 5:
-        return {
-            "success": False,
-            "content": f"Too many redirects (ended at {gemini_url})",
-            "redirected": prev_url is not None
-        }
-    if correct_urls and not prev_url:
-        corrected_url = correct_url(gemini_url)
-        if corrected_url != gemini_url:
-            print(f"[Gemini] URL '{gemini_url}' corrected to '{corrected_url}'")
-            gemini_url = corrected_url
-    if not prev_url:
-        print(f"[Gemini] Fetching: {gemini_url}")
-    else:
-        print(f"[Gemini] Fetching: {gemini_url} (redirected from {prev_url})")
-    try:
-        response = ignition.request(gemini_url, raise_errors=True, referer=prev_url)
-        if isinstance(response, SuccessResponse):
+        if redirects > 5:
             return {
-                "success": True,
-                "content": handle_content(response),
+                "success": False,
+                "content": f"Too many redirects (ended at {gemini_url})",
                 "redirected": prev_url is not None
-        elif isinstance(response, RedirectResponse):
-            redirect_url =
-            return fetch(redirect_url, correct_urls, gemini_url, redirects + 1)
+        if self.correct_urls and not prev_url:
+            corrected_url = self.correct_url(gemini_url)
+            if corrected_url != gemini_url:
+                print(f"[Gemini] URL '{gemini_url}' corrected to '{corrected_url}'")
+                gemini_url = corrected_url
+        if not prev_url:
+            print(f"[Gemini] Fetching: {gemini_url}")
-            print(f"[Gemini] Unhandled {response.status} code for '{gemini_url}'")
-            message = (f"Tell the user there was a {response.status} status code. "
-                       f"Support for handling {response.status} is not implemented yet.")
-            return { "success": False, "content": message, "redirected": prev_url is not None }
-    except Exception as e:
-        print(f"[Gemini] error: {e}")
-        message = f"Tell the user there was an error fetching the page: {e}"
-        return {
-            "success": False,
-            "content": message,
-            "redirected": prev_url is not None
-        }
+            print(f"[Gemini] Fetching: {gemini_url} (redirected from {prev_url})")
-def handle_content(resp: SuccessResponse) -> str:
-    try:
-        mime_type, encoding = resp.meta.split(";")
-    except ValueError:
-        mime_type = resp.meta
+        try:
+            response = ignition.request(gemini_url, raise_errors=True, referer=prev_url)
-    mime_type = mime_type.strip()
+            if isinstance(response, SuccessResponse):
+                content = self.handle_content(response)
+                await self.complete_event(content)
+                return {
+                    "success": True,
+                    "content": content,
+                    "redirected": prev_url is not None
+                }
+            elif isinstance(response, RedirectResponse):
+                prev_url = self.current_url
+                self.current_url =
+                return await self.fetch(prev_url, redirects + 1)
+            else:
+                await self.error_event(f"Unsupported status code {response.status}")
+                print(f"[Gemini] Unsupported {response.status} code for '{gemini_url}'")
+                message = (f"Tell the user there was a {response.status} status code. "
+                           f"Support for handling {response.status} is not implemented yet.")
+                return { "success": False, "content": message, "redirected": prev_url is not None }
+        except Exception as e:
+            print(f"[Gemini] error: {e}")
+            message = f"Tell the user there was an error fetching the page: {e}"
+            await self.error_event(str(e))
+            return {
+                "success": False,
+                "content": message,
+                "redirected": prev_url is not None
+            }
-    if mime_type == "text/gemini":
-        return
-    else:
-        raise ValueError(f"Not yet able to handle MIME type {mime_type}")
+    def handle_content(self, resp: SuccessResponse) -> str:
+        try:
+            mime_type, encoding = resp.meta.split(";")
+        except ValueError:
+            mime_type = resp.meta
+        mime_type = mime_type.strip()
+        if mime_type == "text/gemini":
+            return
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(f"Not yet able to handle MIME type {mime_type}")
 class Tools:
     class Valves(BaseModel):
@@ -144,14 +230,20 @@ class Tools:
         self.valves = self.Valves()
         self.user_valves = None
-    def get_gemini_page(self, gemini_url: str, __event_emitter__) -> str:
+    async def get_gemini_page(self, gemini_url: str, __event_emitter__) -> str:
         Fetches Gemini capsules, content, and web pages over Gemini Protocol.
         Use this if the user requests a gemini:// URL.
         :param gemini_url: The URL to fetch. The URL MUST begin with gemini://.
         :return: The fetched data as Markdown.
-        resp = fetch(gemini_url, correct_urls=self.valves.attempt_url_correction)
+        fetcher = GeminiFetcher(
+            gemini_url=gemini_url,
+            correct_urls=self.valves.attempt_url_correction,
+            event_emitter=__event_emitter__
+        )
+        resp = await fetcher.fetch()
         if resp["success"]:
             result_instructions = instructions(gemini_url, redirect=resp["redirected"])
             return f"{result_instructions}\n\n```\n{resp['content']}\n```"