""" title: GPU Scaling Filter author: projectmoon author_url: https://git.agnos.is/projectmoon/open-webui-filters version: 0.2.1 license: AGPL-3.0+ required_open_webui_version: 0.3.9 """ # Documentation: https://git.agnos.is/projectmoon/open-webui-filters # System Imports import chromadb from chromadb import ClientAPI as ChromaAPI from chromadb import Collection as ChromaCollection from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from typing import Callable, Awaitable, Any, Optional, Literal import json # OpenWebUI imports from open_webui.apps.rag.vector.connector import VECTOR_DB_CLIENT from utils.misc import get_last_user_message, get_last_assistant_message from apps.ollama.main import generate_chat_completion, GenerateChatCompletionForm from apps.webui.models.users import UserModel # Why refactor when you can janky monkey patch? This will NOT be fixed at # some point, as this filter is deprecated. CHROMA_CLIENT = VECTOR_DB_CLIENT.client class GpuChatState: """ Get or set GPU layer count by base model for a given chat. """ collection_name = "gpu_layers_by_chat" def __init__(self, chroma_client: ChromaAPI, chat_id: str): self.chroma_client = chroma_client self.chat_id = chat_id self.gpu_layers = {} def _get_collection(self) -> ChromaCollection: return self.chroma_client.get_or_create_collection( name=GpuChatState.collection_name ) def _parse_results(self, results) -> dict: if 'documents' in results: doc = results['documents'][0] if len(results['documents']) > 0 else None return json.loads(doc) if doc else {} else: return {} def get_gpu_layers(self): coll = self._get_collection() if self.gpu_layers == {}: self.gpu_layers = self._parse_results( coll.get(ids=[self.chat_id], include=["documents"]) ) return self.gpu_layers def get_gpu_layers_for_model(self, model_id: str) -> Optional[int]: info = self.get_gpu_layers() return info[model_id] if model_id in info else None def set_gpu_layers(self, model: str, amount: int): # set gpu layers for this chat. self.gpu_layers[model] = amount self._get_collection().upsert( ids=[self.chat_id], documents=[json.dumps(self.gpu_layers)] ) self.gpu_layers = self.get_gpu_layers() class SessionInfo(BaseModel): chat_id: str message_id: str session_id: str def dict_to_attributes(input_dict): class AttrDict: def __init__(self, attr_dict): for key, value in attr_dict.items(): setattr(self, key, value) return AttrDict(input_dict) def extract_model_id(model: dict) -> Optional[str]: model_id = None if "info" in model: if "base_model_id" in model["info"]: model_id = model["info"]["base_model_id"] else: if "ollama" in model and "id" in model["ollama"]: model_id = model["ollama"]["id"] if not model_id: model_id = model["id"] return model_id def extract_session_info(event_emitter) -> Optional[SessionInfo]: """The latest innovation in hacky workarounds.""" try: info = event_emitter.__closure__[0].cell_contents return SessionInfo( chat_id=info["chat_id"], message_id=info["message_id"], session_id=info["session_id"] ) except: return None class Filter: class Valves(BaseModel): reduction_start: int = Field( default=20, description="Amount of GPU layers to reduce to immediately on failure" ) scaling_step: int = Field( default=5, description="Amount of GPU layers to reduce by on continued failures" ) show_status: bool = Field( default=True, description="Show status message when running downscaled model." ) pass def __init__(self): self.valves = self.Valves() pass async def send_message_adjusting(self, done: bool, amount: int=0, steps: int=0): if steps > 0: steps_desc = f"reduced by {steps}" else: steps_desc = "initial reduction" desc = ( "Downscaling GPU layers..." if not done else f"GPU layers downscaled to {amount} ({steps_desc}). Please retry.") await self.event_emitter( { "type": "status", "data": { "description": desc, "done": done }, } ) async def send_message_downscaled(self): await self.event_emitter( { "type": "status", "data": { "description": "Running at reduced GPU capacity. Responses will be slower.", "done": True }, } ) def get_num_layers_for_model( self, gpu_layer_info: GpuChatState, __model__: dict ) -> Optional[int]: model_id = extract_model_id(__model__) if model_id: return gpu_layer_info.get_gpu_layers_for_model(model_id) else: return None async def downscale(self, model): """Update tracked downscale GPU layers for this chat + model.""" # this logic is currently very basic. does not yet take into # account the actual number of layers in a model. but it's # better than nothing. if this is the first failure (no entry # in gpu chat state), set number of layers to the valve # parameter. if this is a subsequent failure (we have entry # for this chat already), reduce by the step valve parameter, # to a minimum of CPU (100% cpu). model_id = extract_model_id(model) if not model_id: print("Could not extract model ID for GPU downscaling!") return await self.send_message_adjusting(False) gpu_layer_info = GpuChatState(CHROMA_CLIENT, self.session_info.chat_id) num_layers = self.get_num_layers_for_model(gpu_layer_info, model) downscale_steps = 0 if num_layers: print(f"Downscaling layers by {self.valves.scaling_step}") num_layers -= self.valves.scaling_step downscale_steps = self.valves.scaling_step if num_layers < 0: num_layers = 0 else: num_layers = self.valves.reduction_start gpu_layer_info.set_gpu_layers(model_id, num_layers) await self.send_message_adjusting(True, amount=num_layers, steps=downscale_steps) print( f"Set GPU layers for chat {self.session_info.chat_id} to {num_layers}" ) async def inlet( self, body: dict, __event_emitter__: Callable[[Any], Awaitable[None]], __model__: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> dict: """Intercept incoming messages and downscale if necessary.""" if not __model__ or __model__["owned_by"] != "ollama": return body self.event_emitter = __event_emitter__ self.session_info = extract_session_info(__event_emitter__) if self.session_info: gpu_layer_info = GpuChatState(CHROMA_CLIENT, self.session_info.chat_id) num_layers = self.get_num_layers_for_model(gpu_layer_info, __model__) if num_layers and "options" in body: model_id = extract_model_id(__model__) body["options"]["num_gpu"] = num_layers if self.valves.show_status: await self.send_message_downscaled() print(( f"Downscaled GPU layers for incoming request for {model_id} " f"to {num_layers}" )) return body async def outlet( self, body: dict, __user__: dict, __event_emitter__: Callable[[Any], Awaitable[None]], __model__: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> dict: """On response failure, downscale the GPU layers for next try.""" if not __model__ or __model__["owned_by"] != "ollama": return body self.event_emitter = __event_emitter__ self.session_info = extract_session_info(__event_emitter__) if not self.session_info or not __model__: return body if len(body["messages"]) == 0: return body last_reply = body["messages"][-1] broke = last_reply["content"] == "" and last_reply["info"] == {} if broke: # while we could actually redo the message itself, it is # useless, because open web ui does not currently have a # way to clear error state when message content is # replaced. so we just lower gpu layers and tell user to # try again. the inlet will intercept the incoming request # and lower the gpu layers. await self.downscale(__model__) return body