# OpenStreetMap Tool **0.5.0:** - Support Way results. This makes searching much more accurate and useful. Many map features are marked as "ways" (shapes on the map) rather than specific points. - Drop support for "secondary results," and instead return Ways that have enough information to be useful. **0.4.0:** - Complete rewrite of search result handling to prevent incorrect OSM map links being generated, and bad info given. - New setting: Instruction Oriented Interpretation. Controls the result interpretation instructions given to the LLM. Should help certain models (Hermes Llama 3.1) give more consistent results. - The Instruction Oriented Interpretation setting is also a user valve that can be controlled on a per-chat basis. - Added ability to search for: public transit, schools/universities, libraries, bike rental locations, car rental locations. **0.3.0:** - Add search for alcohol and cannabis/smart shops. - Increase hotel search radius to 10km. **0.2.5:** - Better accuracy in turn by turn conversations: model encouraged to specify the name of the city and country when searching, so it's less likely to report results from a different country. **0.2.4:** - Actually make use of the limit parameter when searching Nominatim. **0.2.3:** - Allow leisure tags in nominatim fallback results. **0.2.1:** - Only print secondary results if they exist. - Remove extraneous print logging. **0.2.0:** - Include Ways as secondary information for improved search results. - Added searching for swimming and recreational areas. **0.1.0:** - Initial release. # Checkpoint Summarization Filter **0.1.0:** - Initial release. # Narrative Memory Filter **0.0.2:** - More reliable way of getting chat IDs. **0.0.1:** - Initial proof-of-concept release. # GPU Scaling Filter **0.2.0:** - Fix filter not working when using base models directly. - Do not fire the filter if model is not owned by ollama. **0.1.0:** - Initial release. # Output Sanitization Filter **0.2.0:** - Prevent errors when an LLM reply is updated by the filter (i.e. return body from the outlet function). **0.1.0:** - Initial Release