Personal Gentoo overlay, focusing mostly on needed tools and compatibility for a libre version of Gentoo on the Librem 14 computer. Available packages: - **sys-kernel/libre-kernel**: A dist-kernel built from the [Linux-libre sources][linux-libre]. - **media-fonts/fonts-meta**: Modified version to remove non-Free fonts from the dependencies. - **sys-kernel/librem-ec-acpi**: An ebuild packaging the [Librem 14 EC ACPI kernel module][ec-acpi], necessary for proper functioning of the laptop's battery charging and function keys. * **sys-power/librem-control**: A GTK application to control parameters of the Librem EC (battery charge levels, etc). * **sys-firmware/purism_ectool**: Tool for querying and flashing Purism EC firmware images on certain Librem laptops. ## How to Add This Repository Using eselect-repository: ``` # eselect repository add projectmoon git ``` ## The Linux-libre dist-kernel This overlay provides a dist-kernel (based on `sys-kernel/vanilla-kernel`) using the Linux-libre kernel sources, and an accompanying updated version of `virtual/dist-kernel`. It is maintained and tested for my personal use on amd64. The Linux-libre kernel removes the ability for the Linux kernel to load firmware that is not [Free Software][free-software]. The ebuild roughly follows the current stable gentoo-kernel for amd64. The libre kernel can be installed alongside other dist-kernels, and works with the `dist-kernel` and `initramfs` USE flags. The ebuild does NOT fail if non-free firmware (i.e. `sys-kernel/linux-firmware` with `redistributable` USE flag set) is installed, but it will warn you if this is the case. It will also warn you if the `linux-firmware` package is not found at all, like normal dist-kernel ebuilds. The kernel installed by this ebuild has the version suffix `-gnu-dist`, making it easy to determine which kernel it is. To install only the Linux firmware that meets the [Free Software Definition][free-software], configure `/etc/portage/package.use` accordingly: ``` # Install only libre firmware sys-kernel/linux-firmware -redistributable -unknown-license ``` You can also edit `/etc/portage/profile/package.use.mask` to prevent the linux-firmware package from ever installing the closed-source firmware by adding this line: ``` # forcibly stop non-free firmware installation sys-kernel/linux-firmware redistributable unknown-license ``` ## Using the Librem EC ACPI kernel module The Librem EC ACPI kernel module should install and be automatically available (via modprobe) after installation, using `emerge sys-kernel/librem-ec-acpi`. The module is currently installed to `/lib/modules//librem/`. This ebuild supports the `dist-kernel` USE flag, and the module will automatically be rebuilt when installing a new dist-kernel if that flag is enabled. If you are not using a dist-kernel, when upgrading or installing a new kernel, you will need to do `emerge @modules-rebuild` to install the module for the new kernel. ### Librem Control and the Purism EC Tool These two appliations can be used to manipulate device-specific features of the Librem 14, including the flashing of firmware images. It is not recommended to use the EC tool from this overlay for flashing a firmware image. Instead, follow the official [firmware flashing instrutions][ec-instructions]. # Disclaimer The ebuilds in this overlay are really only tested for my specific use-case. I do not test every combination of USE flags, for example. So there may be issues with non-Free dependencies etc in some cases. [linux-libre]: [free-software]: [ec-acpi]: [ec-instructions]: