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//! This example is to demonstrate the JSON serialization and deserialization of the Cors settings
//! Note: This requires the `serialization` feature which is enabled by default.
extern crate rocket;
extern crate rocket_cors as cors;
extern crate serde_json;
use rocket::http::Method;
use cors::{Cors, AllowedOrigins, AllowedHeaders};
fn main() {
// The default demonstrates the "All" serialization of several of the settings
let default: Cors = Default::default();
let (allowed_origins, failed_origins) = AllowedOrigins::some(&[""]);
let options = cors::Cors {
allowed_origins: allowed_origins,
allowed_methods: vec![Method::Get, Method::Post, Method::Delete]
allowed_headers: AllowedHeaders::some(&["Authorization", "Accept"]),
allow_credentials: true,
expose_headers: ["Content-Type", "X-Custom"]
max_age: Some(42),
send_wildcard: false,
fairing_route_base: "/mycors".to_string(),
println!("Default settings");
println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&default).unwrap());
println!("Defined settings");
println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&options).unwrap());