//! This tiny build script ensures that the crate is not compiled with an //! incompatible version of rust. //! This scipt was stolen from `rocket_codegen`. extern crate ansi_term; extern crate version_check; use ansi_term::Color::{Red, Yellow, Blue, White}; use version_check::{is_nightly, is_min_version, is_min_date}; // Specifies the minimum nightly version that is targetted // Note that sometimes the `rustc` date might be older than the nightly version, // usually one day older const MIN_DATE: &'static str = "2017-07-20"; const MIN_VERSION: &'static str = "1.20.0-nightly"; // Convenience macro for writing to stderr. macro_rules! printerr { ($($arg:tt)*) => ({ use std::io::prelude::*; write!(&mut ::std::io::stderr(), "{}\n", format_args!($($arg)*)) .expect("Failed to write to stderr.") }) } fn main() { let ok_nightly = is_nightly(); let ok_version = is_min_version(MIN_VERSION); let ok_date = is_min_date(MIN_DATE); let print_version_err = |version: &str, date: &str| { printerr!( "{} {}. {} {}.", White.paint("Installed version is:"), Yellow.paint(format!("{} ({})", version, date)), White.paint("Minimum required:"), Yellow.paint(format!("{} ({})", MIN_VERSION, MIN_DATE)) ); }; match (ok_nightly, ok_version, ok_date) { (Some(is_nightly), Some((ok_version, version)), Some((ok_date, date))) => { if !is_nightly { printerr!( "{} {}", Red.bold().paint("Error:"), White.paint("rocket_cors requires a nightly version of Rust.") ); print_version_err(&*version, &*date); printerr!( "{}{}{}", Blue.paint("See the README ("), White.paint("https://github.com/lawliet89/rocket_cors"), Blue.paint(") for more information.") ); panic!("Aborting compilation due to incompatible compiler.") } if !ok_version || !ok_date { printerr!( "{} {}", Red.bold().paint("Error:"), White.paint("rocket_cors requires a more recent version of rustc.") ); printerr!( "{}{}{}", Blue.paint("Use `"), White.paint("rustup update"), Blue.paint("` or your preferred method to update Rust.") ); print_version_err(&*version, &*date); panic!("Aborting compilation due to incompatible compiler.") } } _ => { println!( "cargo:warning={}", "rocket_cors was unable to check rustc compatibility." ); println!( "cargo:warning={}", "Build may fail due to incompatible rustc version." ); } } }