#![feature(plugin, custom_derive)] #![plugin(rocket_codegen)] extern crate rocket; extern crate rocket_cors; use std::io::Cursor; use rocket::Response; use rocket::http::Method; use rocket_cors::{Guard, AllOrSome, Responder}; /// Using a `Responder` -- the usual way you would use this #[get("/")] fn responder(cors: Guard) -> Responder<&str> { cors.responder("Hello CORS!") } /// You need to define an OPTIONS route for preflight checks. /// These routes can just return the unit type `()` #[options("/")] fn responder_options(cors: Guard) -> Responder<()> { cors.responder(()) } /// Using a `Response` instead of a `Responder`. You generally won't have to do this. #[get("/responder")] fn response(cors: Guard) -> Response { let mut response = Response::new(); response.set_sized_body(Cursor::new("Hello CORS!")); cors.response(response) } /// You need to define an OPTIONS route for preflight checks. /// These routes can just return the unit type `()` #[options("/responder")] fn response_options(cors: Guard) -> Response { let response = Response::new(); cors.response(response) } fn main() { let (allowed_origins, failed_origins) = AllOrSome::new_from_str_list(&["https://www.acme.com"]); assert!(failed_origins.is_empty()); // You can also deserialize this let options = rocket_cors::Cors { allowed_origins: allowed_origins, allowed_methods: vec![Method::Get].into_iter().map(From::from).collect(), allowed_headers: AllOrSome::Some( ["Authorization", "Accept"] .into_iter() .map(|s| s.to_string().into()) .collect(), ), allow_credentials: true, ..Default::default() }; rocket::ignite() .mount( "/", routes![responder, responder_options, response, response_options], ) .manage(options) .launch(); }