2021-06-05 14:34:22 +00:00
use juniper::{
graphql_object, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription, FieldError, FieldResult, GraphQLObject,
2021-06-02 22:52:01 +00:00
2021-06-05 14:34:22 +00:00
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use rocket::{response::content, Rocket, State};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::env;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use tenebrous_rpc::protos::dicebot::dicebot_client::DicebotClient;
use tenebrous_rpc::protos::dicebot::GetVariableRequest;
use tonic::{metadata::MetadataValue, transport::Channel as TonicChannel, Request as TonicRequest};
use tracing_subscriber::filter::EnvFilter;
//grpc stuff
async fn create_client(
shared_secret: &str,
) -> Result<DicebotClient<TonicChannel>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let channel = TonicChannel::from_static("")
let bearer = MetadataValue::from_str(&format!("Bearer {}", shared_secret))?;
let client = DicebotClient::with_interceptor(channel, move |mut req: TonicRequest<()>| {
req.metadata_mut().insert("authorization", bearer.clone());
//api stuff
#[graphql(description = "User variable in a room.")]
struct UserVariable {
room_id: String,
variable_name: String,
value: i32,
//graphql shit
struct Context {
dicebot_client: DicebotClient<TonicChannel>,
// To make our context usable by Juniper, we have to implement a marker trait.
impl juniper::Context for Context {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct Query;
// Here we specify the context type for the object.
// We need to do this in every type that
// needs access to the context.
context = Context,
impl Query {
fn apiVersion() -> &str {
async fn variable(
context: &mut Context,
room_id: String,
user_id: String,
variable: String,
) -> FieldResult<UserVariable> {
let request = TonicRequest::new(GetVariableRequest {
room_id: room_id.clone(),
user_id: user_id.clone(),
variable_name: variable.clone(),
let response = context
Ok(UserVariable {
room_id: room_id.clone(),
variable_name: variable.clone(),
value: response.value,
2021-06-02 22:52:01 +00:00
2021-06-05 14:34:22 +00:00
type Schema = RootNode<'static, Query, EmptyMutation<Context>, EmptySubscription<Context>>;
fn schema() -> Schema {
//rocket stuff
fn graphiql() -> content::Html<String> {
juniper_rocket_async::graphiql_source("/graphql", None)
fn get_graphql_handler(
context: &State<Context>,
request: juniper_rocket_async::GraphQLRequest,
schema: &State<Schema>,
) -> juniper_rocket_async::GraphQLResponse {
request.execute_sync(&*schema, &*context)
#[rocket::post("/graphql", data = "<request>")]
fn post_graphql_handler(
context: &State<Context>,
request: juniper_rocket_async::GraphQLRequest,
schema: &State<Schema>,
) -> juniper_rocket_async::GraphQLResponse {
request.execute_sync(&*schema, &*context)
2021-06-02 22:52:01 +00:00
pub async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
2021-06-05 14:34:22 +00:00
let filter = if env::var("RUST_LOG").is_ok() {
} else {
2021-06-02 22:52:01 +00:00
2021-06-05 14:34:22 +00:00
let log = warp::log("warp_server");
let client = create_client("abc123").await?;
2021-06-02 22:52:01 +00:00
2021-06-05 14:34:22 +00:00
log::info!("Listening on");
let context = Context {
dicebot_client: client,
2021-06-02 22:52:01 +00:00
2021-06-05 14:34:22 +00:00
rocket::routes![graphiql, get_graphql_handler, post_graphql_handler],
.expect("server to launch");
2021-06-02 22:52:01 +00:00