
83 lines
2.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use crate::db::errors::DataError;
use crate::db::schema::convert_i32;
use byteorder::LittleEndian;
use sled::transaction::{abort, TransactionalTree};
use sled::Transactional;
use sled::Tree;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::convert::From;
use std::str;
use zerocopy::byteorder::I32;
use zerocopy::AsBytes;
pub struct Rooms {
/// Room ID -> RoomInfo struct (single entries)
pub(in crate::db) roomid_roominfo: Tree,
/// Room ID -> list of usernames in room.
pub(in crate::db) roomid_usernames: Tree,
/// Username -> list of room IDs user is in.
pub(in crate::db) username_roomids: Tree,
// /// Request soemthing by a username and room ID.
// pub struct UserAndRoom<'a>(pub &'a str, pub &'a str);
// fn to_vec(value: &UserAndRoom<'_>) -> Vec<u8> {
// let mut bytes = vec![];
// bytes.extend_from_slice(value.0.as_bytes());
// bytes.push(0xfe);
// bytes.extend_from_slice(value.1.as_bytes());
// bytes
// }
// impl From<UserAndRoom<'_>> for Vec<u8> {
// fn from(value: UserAndRoom) -> Vec<u8> {
// to_vec(&value)
// }
// }
// impl From<&UserAndRoom<'_>> for Vec<u8> {
// fn from(value: &UserAndRoom) -> Vec<u8> {
// to_vec(value)
// }
// }
impl Rooms {
pub(in crate::db) fn new(db: &sled::Db) -> Result<Rooms, sled::Error> {
Ok(Rooms {
roomid_roominfo: db.open_tree("roomid_roominfo")?,
roomid_usernames: db.open_tree("roomid_usernames")?,
username_roomids: db.open_tree("username_roomids")?,
pub fn add_user_to_room(&self, username: &str, room_id: &str) -> Result<(), DataError> {
//in txn:
//get or create list of users in room
//get or create list of rooms user is in
//deserialize/create set and add username to set for roomid
//deserialize/create set and add roomid to set for username
//store both again
let user_to_rooms: HashSet<String> = self
.map(|bytes| bincode::deserialize::<HashSet<String>>(&bytes))
let room_to_users: HashSet<String> = self
.map(|bytes| bincode::deserialize::<HashSet<String>>(&bytes))
pub fn remove_user_from_room(&self, username: &str, room_id: &str) -> Result<(), DataError> {