Update readme for new ignore message settings.

This commit is contained in:
projectmoon 2020-09-27 12:47:55 +00:00
parent f844b09213
commit f84cc16cf4
2 changed files with 70 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -18,24 +18,25 @@ System.
## Building and Installation
### Running with Docker
### Docker Image
The dice bot can run in a minimal Docker image based on [Void
Linux](https://voidlinux.org/). You can either pull it from [Docker
Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/projectmoon/chronicle-dicebot) or build
it yourself. The easiest way is to use the prebuilt image. It is
updated on Docker Hub via a CI/CD pipeline. The `latest` tag always
points to the most recent successful master commit and is considered
unstable, while individual tags are considered stable:
The easiest way to run the dice bot is to use the official Docker
image. It is distributed on GitHub Container Registry by a CI
The `latest` tag always points to the most recent successfully built
master commit and is considered unstable, while individual tags are
considered stable.
* Unstable: `docker pull ghcr.io/projectmoon/chronicle-dicebot:latest`
* Stable: `docker pull ghcr.io/projectmoon/chronicle-dicebot:X.Y.Z`
To create the Docker image, run `docker build -t chronicle-dicebot .`
in the root of the repository.
This image is based on [Void Linux](https://voidlinux.org/). To build
the image yourself, run `docker build -t chronicle-dicebot .` in the
root of the repository.
After pulling or building the image, see [instructions on how to use
the Docker image](#docker-image).
the Docker image](#running-the-bot).
### Build from Source
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ Building the project requires:
* glibc.
Note: The `olm-sys` crate must be built in dynamic linking mode until
a [bug][1] in its build process is fixed.
a [bug][gnome-bug] in its build process is fixed.
#### Why doesn't it build on musl libc?
@ -105,37 +106,15 @@ Examples:
## Running the Bot
You can run the bot by creating a Matrix account for it, building the
application, and creating a config file that looks like this:
home_server = https://example.com'
username = 'thisismyusername'
password = 'thisismypassword'
oldest_message_age = 300
By adding the `[bot]` section, one can send the `oldset_message_age`
setting, which is the number of seconds to ceck in the test before
attempting to repsond to a connection.
Make sure to replace the information with your own. Then you can run
the "dicebot" binary. It takes the path to the configuration file as
its single argument.
You can also run it on the command line with the `dicebot-cmd`
command, which expects you to feed it one of the command expressions
as shown above, and will give you the plaintext response.
### Docker Image
The easiest way to run the bot is to use the [official Docker
image][docker-image], although you can also [run the binary
A typical docker run command using the official Docker image should
look something like this:
# Run unstable version of the bot
docker run --rm -d --name dicebot \
-v /path/to/dicebot-config.toml:/config/dicebot-config.toml:ro \
@ -144,19 +123,69 @@ ghcr.io/projectmoon/chronicle-dicebot:$VERSION
The Docker image requires two volume mounts: the location of the
config file, which should be mounted at `/config/dicebot-config.toml`,
[config file][config-file], which should be mounted at `/config/dicebot-config.toml`,
and a cache directory to store client state after initial sync. That
should be mounted at `/cache/`in the container.
### Configuration File
The configuration file is a TOML file with two sections.
home_server = 'https://example.com'
username = 'thisismyusername'
password = 'thisismypassword'
oldest_message_age = 300
The `[matrix]` section contains the information for logging in to the
bot's matrix account.
- `home_server`: The URL for the Matrix homeserver the bot should log
in to. This should be the proper hostname of the homeserver that
you would enter into the login box, which might be different than
the server name that is displayed to other users.
- `username`: Bot account username.
- `password`: Bot account password.
The `[bot]` section has settings for controlling how the bot operates.
This section is optional and the settings will fall back to their
default values if the section or setting is not present.
- `oldest_message_age`: the oldest time (in seconds) in the past that
a message can be before being ignored. This prevents the bot from
processing out-of-context old commands received while offline. The
default value is 900 seconds (15 minutes).
### Running Binary Directly
If you have [built the application from source](#build-from-source),
you can invoke the dice bot directly instead of using Docker by
running `dicebot /path/to/config.toml`. By default, the user account
cache is stored in a [platform-dependent location][dirs]. If you want
to change the cache location on Linux, for example, you can run
`export XDG_CACHE_HOME=/path/to/cache` before invoking the bot.
Installing the application directly also installs `dicebot-cmd`, which
allows you to run arbitrary bot commands on the command line. This
does not connect to a running instance of the bot; it just processes
commands locally.
## Future plans
The most basic plans are:
* To add support for simple per-user variable management, e.g. setting
a name to a value (`gnosis = 3`) and then using those in dice rolls.
This lays the foundation for character sheet integration.
* Perhaps some sort of character sheet integration. But for that, we
would need a sheet service.
* Automation of Docker builds and precompiled binaries.
* Use environment variables instead of config file in Docker image.
[1]: https://gitlab.gnome.org/BrainBlasted/olm-sys/-/issues/6
[gnome-bug]: https://gitlab.gnome.org/BrainBlasted/olm-sys/-/issues/6
[config-file]: #Configuration-File
[docker-image]: https://github.com/users/ProjectMoon/packages/container/package/chronicle-dicebot
[dirs]: https://docs.rs/dirs/2.0.2/dirs/