Keep/Drop Function #92

Manually merged
kg333 merged 12 commits from kg333/tenebrous-dicebot:keep_drop_function into master 2021-09-26 14:05:57 +00:00
1 changed files with 10 additions and 2 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 8317f40f61 - Show all commits

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@ -118,8 +118,16 @@ expressions.
!r 3d12 - 5d2 + 3 - 7d3 + 20d20
This system does not yet have the capability to handle things like D&D
5e advantage or disadvantage.
#### Keep/Drop Dice
The bot supports either keeping the highest dice in a roll, or
dropping the highest dice in a roll. This allows the bot to handle
things like D&D 5e advantage or disadvantage.
!roll 2d20k1
!r 2d20d1 + 5
!r 10d10k5 + 10d10d5 - 2
### Storytelling System