/** * In addition to the terms of the AGPL, this file is governed by the * terms of the MIT license, from the original axfive-matrix-dicebot * project. */ use nom::bytes::complete::take_while; use nom::error::ErrorKind as NomErrorKind; use nom::Err as NomErr; use nom::{ alt, bytes::complete::tag, character::complete::digit1, complete, many0, named, sequence::tuple, tag, IResult, }; use super::dice::*; //****************************** //Legacy Code //****************************** fn is_whitespace(input: char) -> bool { input == ' ' || input == '\n' || input == '\t' || input == '\r' } /// Eat whitespace, returning it pub fn eat_whitespace(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { let (input, whitespace) = take_while(is_whitespace)(input)?; Ok((input, whitespace)) } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] enum Sign { Plus, Minus, } macro_rules! too_big { ($input: expr) => { NomErr::Error(($input, NomErrorKind::TooLarge)) }; } /// Parse a dice expression. Does not eat whitespace fn parse_dice(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Dice> { // parse main dice expression let (input, (count, _, sides)) = tuple((digit1, tag("d"), digit1))(input)?; // check for keep expression to keep highest dice (2d20k1) let (keep, input) = match tuple::<&str, _, (_, _), _>((tag("k"), digit1))(input) { // if ok, keep expression is present Ok((rest, (_, keep_amount))) => (keep_amount, rest), // otherwise absent and keep all dice Err(_) => ("", input), }; // check for drop expression to drop highest dice (2d20dh1) let (drop, input) = match tuple::<&str, _, (_, _), _>((tag("dh"), digit1))(input) { // if ok, keep expression is present Ok((rest, (_, drop_amount))) => (drop_amount, rest), // otherwise absent and keep all dice Err(_) => ("", input), }; let count: u32 = count.parse().map_err(|_| too_big!(count))?; // don't allow keep greater than number of dice, and don't allow keep zero let keep_drop = match keep.parse::() { // Ok, there's a keep value, check and create Keep Ok(i) => match i { _i if _i > count || _i == 0 => KeepOrDrop::None, i => KeepOrDrop::Keep(i), }, // Err, check if drop works Err(_) => { match drop.parse::() { // Ok, there's a drop value, check and create Drop Ok(i) => match i { _i if i >= count => KeepOrDrop::None, i => KeepOrDrop::Drop(i), }, // Err, there's neither keep nor drop Err(_) => KeepOrDrop::None, } } }; let sides = sides.parse().map_err(|_| too_big!(sides))?; Ok((input, Dice::new(count, sides, keep_drop))) } // Parse a single digit expression. Does not eat whitespace fn parse_bonus(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, u32> { let (input, bonus) = digit1(input)?; Ok((input, bonus.parse().unwrap())) } // Parse a sign expression. Eats whitespace. fn parse_sign(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Sign> { let (input, _) = eat_whitespace(input)?; named!(sign(&str) -> Sign, alt!( complete!(tag!("+")) => { |_| Sign::Plus } | complete!(tag!("-")) => { |_| Sign::Minus } )); let (input, sign) = sign(input)?; Ok((input, sign)) } // Parse an element expression. Eats whitespace. fn parse_element(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Element> { let (input, _) = eat_whitespace(input)?; named!(element(&str) -> Element, alt!( parse_dice => { |d| Element::Dice(d) } | parse_bonus => { |b| Element::Bonus(b) } )); let (input, element) = element(input)?; Ok((input, element)) } // Parse a signed element expression. Eats whitespace. fn parse_signed_element(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, SignedElement> { let (input, _) = eat_whitespace(input)?; let (input, sign) = parse_sign(input)?; let (input, _) = eat_whitespace(input)?; let (input, element) = parse_element(input)?; let element = match sign { Sign::Plus => SignedElement::Positive(element), Sign::Minus => SignedElement::Negative(element), }; Ok((input, element)) } // Parse a full element expression. Eats whitespace. pub fn parse_element_expression(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, ElementExpression> { named!(first_element(&str) -> SignedElement, alt!( parse_signed_element => { |e| e } | parse_element => { |e| SignedElement::Positive(e) } )); let (input, first) = first_element(input)?; let (input, rest) = if input.trim().is_empty() { (input, vec![first]) } else { named!(rest_elements(&str) -> Vec, many0!(parse_signed_element)); let (input, mut rest) = rest_elements(input)?; rest.insert(0, first); (input, rest) }; Ok((input, ElementExpression(rest))) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn dice_test() { assert_eq!( parse_dice("2d4"), Ok(("", Dice::new(2, 4, KeepOrDrop::None))) ); assert_eq!( parse_dice("20d40"), Ok(("", Dice::new(20, 40, KeepOrDrop::None))) ); assert_eq!( parse_dice("8d7"), Ok(("", Dice::new(8, 7, KeepOrDrop::None))) ); assert_eq!( parse_dice("2d20k1"), Ok(("", Dice::new(2, 20, KeepOrDrop::Keep(1)))) ); assert_eq!( parse_dice("100d10k90"), Ok(("", Dice::new(100, 10, KeepOrDrop::Keep(90)))) ); assert_eq!( parse_dice("11d10k10"), Ok(("", Dice::new(11, 10, KeepOrDrop::Keep(10)))) ); assert_eq!( parse_dice("12d10k11"), Ok(("", Dice::new(12, 10, KeepOrDrop::Keep(11)))) ); assert_eq!( parse_dice("12d10k13"), Ok(("", Dice::new(12, 10, KeepOrDrop::None))) ); assert_eq!( parse_dice("12d10k0"), Ok(("", Dice::new(12, 10, KeepOrDrop::None))) ); assert_eq!( parse_dice("20d40dh5"), Ok(("", Dice::new(20, 40, KeepOrDrop::Drop(5)))) ); assert_eq!( parse_dice("8d7dh9"), Ok(("", Dice::new(8, 7, KeepOrDrop::None))) ); assert_eq!( parse_dice("8d7dh8"), Ok(("", Dice::new(8, 7, KeepOrDrop::None))) ); } #[test] fn big_number_of_dice_doesnt_crash_test() { let res = parse_dice("64378631476346123874527551481376547657868536d4"); assert!(res.is_err()); match res { Err(NomErr::Error((input, kind))) => { assert_eq!(kind, NomErrorKind::TooLarge); assert_eq!(input, "64378631476346123874527551481376547657868536"); } _ => panic!("Got success, expected error"), } } #[test] fn big_number_of_sides_doesnt_crash_test() { let res = parse_dice("1d423562312587425472658956278456298376234876"); assert!(res.is_err()); match res { Err(NomErr::Error((input, kind))) => { assert_eq!(kind, NomErrorKind::TooLarge); assert_eq!(input, "423562312587425472658956278456298376234876"); } _ => panic!("Got success, expected error"), } } #[test] fn element_test() { assert_eq!( parse_element(" \t\n\r\n 8d7 \n"), Ok((" \n", Element::Dice(Dice::new(8, 7, KeepOrDrop::None)))) ); assert_eq!( parse_element(" \t\n\r\n 3d20k2 \n"), Ok((" \n", Element::Dice(Dice::new(3, 20, KeepOrDrop::Keep(2))))) ); assert_eq!( parse_element(" \t\n\r\n 8 \n"), Ok((" \n", Element::Bonus(8))) ); } #[test] fn signed_element_test() { assert_eq!( parse_signed_element("+ 7"), Ok(("", SignedElement::Positive(Element::Bonus(7)))) ); assert_eq!( parse_signed_element(" \t\n\r\n- 8 \n"), Ok((" \n", SignedElement::Negative(Element::Bonus(8)))) ); assert_eq!( parse_signed_element(" \t\n\r\n- 8d4 \n"), Ok(( " \n", SignedElement::Negative(Element::Dice(Dice::new(8, 4, KeepOrDrop::None))) )) ); assert_eq!( parse_signed_element(" \t\n\r\n- 8d4k4 \n"), Ok(( " \n", SignedElement::Negative(Element::Dice(Dice::new(8, 4, KeepOrDrop::Keep(4)))) )) ); assert_eq!( parse_signed_element(" \t\n\r\n+ 8d4 \n"), Ok(( " \n", SignedElement::Positive(Element::Dice(Dice::new(8, 4, KeepOrDrop::None))) )) ); } #[test] fn element_expression_test() { assert_eq!( parse_element_expression("8d4"), Ok(( "", ElementExpression(vec![SignedElement::Positive(Element::Dice(Dice::new( 8, 4, KeepOrDrop::None )))]) )) ); assert_eq!( parse_element_expression("\t2d20k1 + 5"), Ok(( "", ElementExpression(vec![ SignedElement::Positive(Element::Dice(Dice::new(2, 20, KeepOrDrop::Keep(1)))), SignedElement::Positive(Element::Bonus(5)), ]) )) ); assert_eq!( parse_element_expression(" - 8d4 \n "), Ok(( " \n ", ElementExpression(vec![SignedElement::Negative(Element::Dice(Dice::new( 8, 4, KeepOrDrop::None )))]) )) ); assert_eq!( parse_element_expression("\t3d4k2 + 7 - 5 - 6d12dh3 + 1d1 + 53 1d5 "), Ok(( " 1d5 ", ElementExpression(vec![ SignedElement::Positive(Element::Dice(Dice::new(3, 4, KeepOrDrop::Keep(2)))), SignedElement::Positive(Element::Bonus(7)), SignedElement::Negative(Element::Bonus(5)), SignedElement::Negative(Element::Dice(Dice::new(6, 12, KeepOrDrop::Drop(3)))), SignedElement::Positive(Element::Dice(Dice::new(1, 1, KeepOrDrop::None))), SignedElement::Positive(Element::Bonus(53)), ]) )) ); } }