use crate::api; use crate::error::UiError; use crate::logic::{self, LogicResultExt}; use crate::state::{Action, DispatchExt, Room, WebUiDispatcher}; use std::sync::Arc; use wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local; use web_sys::console; use yew::prelude::*; use yewdux::dispatch::Dispatcher; use yewdux::prelude::*; use yewtil::NeqAssign; #[doc(hidden)] pub(crate) struct YewduxRoomList { dispatch: WebUiDispatcher, link: ComponentLink, } pub(crate) type RoomList = WithDispatch; fn view_room(room: &Room) -> Html { html! {
  • {&room.display_name} {" ("}{&room.room_id}{")"}
  • } } async fn load_rooms(dispatch: &WebUiDispatcher) -> Result<(), UiError> { let result = logic::fetch_rooms(dispatch).await; let actions = result.actions(); for action in actions { dispatch.send(action); } Ok(()) } async fn do_refresh_jwt(dispatch: &WebUiDispatcher) { let refresh = api::auth::refresh_jwt().await; match refresh { Ok(jwt) => dispatch.send(Action::UpdateJwt(jwt)), Err(e) => dispatch.dispatch_error(e), } } impl Component for YewduxRoomList { type Message = (); type Properties = WebUiDispatcher; fn create(dispatch: Self::Properties, link: ComponentLink) -> Self { Self { dispatch, link } } fn update(&mut self, _msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender { false } fn change(&mut self, dispatch: Self::Properties) -> ShouldRender { self.dispatch.neq_assign(dispatch) } fn rendered(&mut self, first_render: bool) { if first_render { let dispatch = Arc::new(self.dispatch.clone()); spawn_local(async move { //TODO make macro to report errors in some common way: //handle_errors!(do_things(&*dispatch).await) match load_rooms(&*dispatch).await { Err(e) => console::log_1(&format!("Error: {:?}", e).into()), _ => (), } }); } } fn view(&self) -> Html { let dispatch = Arc::new(self.dispatch.clone()); let dispatch2 = dispatch.clone(); let dispatch3 = dispatch.clone(); let the_future = |_| { let dispatch = dispatch.clone(); spawn_local(async move { //TODO make macro to report errors in some common way: //handle_errors!(do_things(&*dispatch).await) match load_rooms(&*dispatch).await { Err(e) => console::log_1(&format!("Error: {:?}", e).into()), _ => (), } }); }); let refresh_jwt = |_| { let dispatch = dispatch3.clone(); spawn_local(async move { do_refresh_jwt(&*dispatch).await }); }); html! {
      { for self.dispatch.state().rooms.iter().map(|room| { view_room(room) }) }
    } } } //New oath form //Edit oath