	MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
	Author Tobias Koppers @sokra

"use strict";

/** @typedef {import("./Dependency")} Dependency */
/** @typedef {import("./Module")} Module */
/** @typedef {import("./util/runtime").RuntimeSpec} RuntimeSpec */

 * Module itself is not connected, but transitive modules are connected transitively.
const TRANSITIVE_ONLY = Symbol("transitive only");

 * While determining the active state, this flag is used to signal a circular connection.
const CIRCULAR_CONNECTION = Symbol("circular connection");

/** @typedef {boolean | typeof TRANSITIVE_ONLY | typeof CIRCULAR_CONNECTION} ConnectionState */

 * @param {ConnectionState} a first
 * @param {ConnectionState} b second
 * @returns {ConnectionState} merged
const addConnectionStates = (a, b) => {
	if (a === true || b === true) return true;
	if (a === false) return b;
	if (b === false) return a;
	if (a === TRANSITIVE_ONLY) return b;
	if (b === TRANSITIVE_ONLY) return a;
	return a;

 * @param {ConnectionState} a first
 * @param {ConnectionState} b second
 * @returns {ConnectionState} intersected
const intersectConnectionStates = (a, b) => {
	if (a === false || b === false) return false;
	if (a === true) return b;
	if (b === true) return a;
	if (a === CIRCULAR_CONNECTION) return b;
	if (b === CIRCULAR_CONNECTION) return a;
	return a;

class ModuleGraphConnection {
	 * @param {Module|null} originModule the referencing module
	 * @param {Dependency|null} dependency the referencing dependency
	 * @param {Module} module the referenced module
	 * @param {string=} explanation some extra detail
	 * @param {boolean=} weak the reference is weak
	 * @param {false | function(ModuleGraphConnection, RuntimeSpec): ConnectionState=} condition condition for the connection
		weak = false,
		condition = undefined
	) {
		this.originModule = originModule;
		this.resolvedOriginModule = originModule;
		this.dependency = dependency;
		this.resolvedModule = module;
		this.module = module;
		this.weak = weak;
		this.conditional = !!condition;
		this._active = condition !== false;
		/** @type {function(ModuleGraphConnection, RuntimeSpec): ConnectionState} */
		this.condition = condition || undefined;
		/** @type {Set<string>} */
		this.explanations = undefined;
		if (explanation) {
			this.explanations = new Set();

	clone() {
		const clone = new ModuleGraphConnection(
		clone.originModule = this.originModule;
		clone.module = this.module;
		clone.conditional = this.conditional;
		clone._active = this._active;
		if (this.explanations) clone.explanations = new Set(this.explanations);
		return clone;

	 * @param {function(ModuleGraphConnection, RuntimeSpec): ConnectionState} condition condition for the connection
	 * @returns {void}
	addCondition(condition) {
		if (this.conditional) {
			const old = this.condition;
			this.condition = (c, r) =>
				intersectConnectionStates(old(c, r), condition(c, r));
		} else if (this._active) {
			this.conditional = true;
			this.condition = condition;

	 * @param {string} explanation the explanation to add
	 * @returns {void}
	addExplanation(explanation) {
		if (this.explanations === undefined) {
			this.explanations = new Set();

	get explanation() {
		if (this.explanations === undefined) return "";
		return Array.from(this.explanations).join(" ");

	// TODO webpack 5 remove
	get active() {
		throw new Error("Use getActiveState instead");

	 * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime
	 * @returns {boolean} true, if the connection is active
	isActive(runtime) {
		if (!this.conditional) return this._active;
		return this.condition(this, runtime) !== false;

	 * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime
	 * @returns {boolean} true, if the connection is active
	isTargetActive(runtime) {
		if (!this.conditional) return this._active;
		return this.condition(this, runtime) === true;

	 * @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime
	 * @returns {ConnectionState} true: fully active, false: inactive, TRANSITIVE: direct module inactive, but transitive connection maybe active
	getActiveState(runtime) {
		if (!this.conditional) return this._active;
		return this.condition(this, runtime);

	 * @param {boolean} value active or not
	 * @returns {void}
	setActive(value) {
		this.conditional = false;
		this._active = value;

	set active(value) {
		throw new Error("Use setActive instead");

/** @typedef {typeof TRANSITIVE_ONLY} TRANSITIVE_ONLY */

module.exports = ModuleGraphConnection;
module.exports.addConnectionStates = addConnectionStates;
module.exports.TRANSITIVE_ONLY = /** @type {typeof TRANSITIVE_ONLY} */ (
module.exports.CIRCULAR_CONNECTION = /** @type {typeof CIRCULAR_CONNECTION} */ (