use super::dice::{AdvancementRoll, DiceRoll, DiceRollModifier}; use crate::parser::DiceParsingError; //TOOD convert these to use parse_amounts from the common dice code. fn parse_modifier(input: &str) -> Result { if input.ends_with("bb") { Ok(DiceRollModifier::TwoBonus) } else if input.ends_with("b") { Ok(DiceRollModifier::OneBonus) } else if input.ends_with("pp") { Ok(DiceRollModifier::TwoPenalty) } else if input.ends_with("p") { Ok(DiceRollModifier::OnePenalty) } else { Ok(DiceRollModifier::Normal) } } //Make diceroll take a vec of Amounts //Split based on :, send first part to parse_modifier. //Send second part to parse_amounts pub fn parse_regular_roll(input: &str) -> Result { let input: Vec<&str> = input.trim().split(":").collect(); let (modifiers_str, amounts_str) = match input[..] { [amounts] => Ok(("", amounts)), [modifiers, amounts] => Ok((modifiers, amounts)), _ => Err(DiceParsingError::UnconsumedInput), }?; let modifier = parse_modifier(modifiers_str)?; let amount = crate::parser::parse_single_amount(amounts_str)?; Ok(DiceRoll { modifier, amount }) } pub fn parse_advancement_roll(input: &str) -> Result { let input = input.trim(); let amounts = crate::parser::parse_single_amount(input)?; Ok(AdvancementRoll { existing_skill: amounts, }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::parser::{Amount, Element, Operator}; #[test] fn regular_roll_accepts_single_number() { let result = parse_regular_roll("60"); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert_eq!( DiceRoll { amount: Amount { operator: Operator::Plus, element: Element::Number(60) }, modifier: DiceRollModifier::Normal }, result.unwrap() ); } #[test] fn regular_roll_rejects_complex_expressions() { let result = parse_regular_roll("3 + abc + bob - 4"); assert!(result.is_err()); } #[test] fn regular_roll_accepts_two_bonus() { let result = parse_regular_roll("bb:60"); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert_eq!( DiceRoll { amount: Amount { operator: Operator::Plus, element: Element::Number(60) }, modifier: DiceRollModifier::TwoBonus }, result.unwrap() ); } #[test] fn regular_roll_accepts_one_bonus() { let result = parse_regular_roll("b:60"); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert_eq!( DiceRoll { amount: Amount { operator: Operator::Plus, element: Element::Number(60) }, modifier: DiceRollModifier::OneBonus }, result.unwrap() ); } #[test] fn regular_roll_accepts_two_penalty() { let result = parse_regular_roll("pp:60"); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert_eq!( DiceRoll { amount: Amount { operator: Operator::Plus, element: Element::Number(60) }, modifier: DiceRollModifier::TwoPenalty }, result.unwrap() ); } #[test] fn regular_roll_accepts_one_penalty() { let result = parse_regular_roll("p:60"); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert_eq!( DiceRoll { amount: Amount { operator: Operator::Plus, element: Element::Number(60) }, modifier: DiceRollModifier::OnePenalty }, result.unwrap() ); } #[test] fn regular_roll_accepts_whitespace() { assert!(parse_regular_roll("60 ").is_ok()); assert!(parse_regular_roll(" 60").is_ok()); assert!(parse_regular_roll(" 60 ").is_ok()); assert!(parse_regular_roll("bb:60 ").is_ok()); assert!(parse_regular_roll(" bb:60").is_ok()); assert!(parse_regular_roll(" bb:60 ").is_ok()); assert!(parse_regular_roll("b:60 ").is_ok()); assert!(parse_regular_roll(" b:60").is_ok()); assert!(parse_regular_roll(" b:60 ").is_ok()); assert!(parse_regular_roll("pp:60 ").is_ok()); assert!(parse_regular_roll(" pp:60").is_ok()); assert!(parse_regular_roll(" pp:60 ").is_ok()); assert!(parse_regular_roll("p:60 ").is_ok()); assert!(parse_regular_roll(" p:60").is_ok()); assert!(parse_regular_roll(" p:60 ").is_ok()); } #[test] fn advancement_roll_accepts_whitespacen() { assert!(parse_advancement_roll("60 ").is_ok()); assert!(parse_advancement_roll(" 60").is_ok()); assert!(parse_advancement_roll(" 60 ").is_ok()); } #[test] fn advancement_roll_accepts_single_number() { let result = parse_advancement_roll("60"); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert_eq!( AdvancementRoll { existing_skill: Amount { operator: Operator::Plus, element: Element::Number(60) } }, result.unwrap() ); } #[test] fn advancement_roll_allows_big_numbers() { assert!(parse_advancement_roll("3000").is_ok()); } #[test] fn advancement_roll_allows_variables() { let result = parse_advancement_roll("abc"); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert_eq!( AdvancementRoll { existing_skill: Amount { operator: Operator::Plus, element: Element::Variable(String::from("abc")) } }, result.unwrap() ); } #[test] fn advancement_roll_rejects_complex_expressions() { let result = parse_advancement_roll("3 + abc + bob - 4"); assert!(result.is_err()); } }