
188 lines
5.3 KiB

use super::{Command, Execution, ExecutionResult};
use crate::context::Context;
use crate::db::Users;
use crate::error::BotError;
use crate::matrix;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use fuse_rust::{Fuse, FuseProperty, Fuseable};
use futures::stream::{self, StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
use matrix_sdk::{ruma::OwnedUserId, Client};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// Holds matrix room ID and display name as strings, for use with
/// searching. See search_for_room.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct RoomNameAndId {
id: String,
name: String,
/// Allows searching for a room name and ID struct, instead of just
/// searching room display names directly.
impl Fuseable for RoomNameAndId {
fn properties(&self) -> Vec<FuseProperty> {
vec![FuseProperty {
value: String::from("name"),
weight: 1.0,
fn lookup(&self, key: &str) -> Option<&str> {
match key {
"name" => Some(&self.name),
_ => None,
/// Attempt to find a room by either name or Matrix Room ID query
/// string. It prefers the exact room ID first, and then falls back to
/// fuzzy searching based on room display name. The best match is
/// returned, or None if no matches were found.
fn search_for_room<'a>(
rooms_for_user: &'a [RoomNameAndId],
search_for: &str,
) -> Option<&'a RoomNameAndId> {
//Lowest score is the best match.
let best_fuzzy_match = || -> Option<&RoomNameAndId> {
.search_text_in_fuse_list(search_for, &rooms_for_user)
.min_by(|r1, r2| r1.score.partial_cmp(&r2.score).unwrap())
.and_then(|result| rooms_for_user.get(result.index))
.find(|room| room.id == search_for)
async fn get_rooms_for_user(
client: &Client,
user_id: &str,
) -> Result<Vec<RoomNameAndId>, BotError> {
let user_id = OwnedUserId::try_from(user_id)?;
let rooms_for_user = matrix::get_rooms_for_user(client, &user_id).await?;
let mut rooms_for_user: Vec<RoomNameAndId> = stream::iter(rooms_for_user)
.filter_map(|room| async move {
Some(room.display_name().await.map(|room_name| RoomNameAndId {
id: room.room_id().to_string(),
name: room_name.to_string(),
//Alphabetically descending, symbols first, ignore case.
let sort = |r1: &RoomNameAndId, r2: &RoomNameAndId| {
pub struct ListRoomsCommand;
impl TryFrom<String> for ListRoomsCommand {
type Error = BotError;
fn try_from(_: String) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl Command for ListRoomsCommand {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
"list rooms"
fn is_secure(&self) -> bool {
async fn execute(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> ExecutionResult {
let rooms_for_user: Vec<String> = get_rooms_for_user(&ctx.matrix_client, ctx.username)
.map(|rooms| {
.map(|room| format!(" {} | {}", room.id, room.name))
let html = format!("<pre>{}</pre>", rooms_for_user.join("\n"));
pub struct SetRoomCommand(String);
impl TryFrom<String> for SetRoomCommand {
type Error = BotError;
fn try_from(input: String) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl Command for SetRoomCommand {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
"set active room"
fn is_secure(&self) -> bool {
async fn execute(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>) -> ExecutionResult {
if !ctx.account.is_registered() {
return Err(BotError::AccountDoesNotExist);
let rooms_for_user = get_rooms_for_user(&ctx.matrix_client, ctx.username).await?;
let room = search_for_room(&rooms_for_user, &self.0);
if let Some(room) = room {
let mut new_user = ctx
new_user.active_room = Some(room.id.clone());
Execution::success(format!(r#"Active room set to "{}""#, room.name))
} else {
mod tests {
use super::*;
#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 1)]
async fn set_room_prefers_room_id_over_name() {
let rooms = vec![
RoomNameAndId {
id: "roomid".to_string(),
name: "room_name".to_string(),
RoomNameAndId {
id: "anotherone".to_string(),
name: "roomid".to_string(),
let found_room = search_for_room(&rooms, "roomid");
assert_eq!(found_room.unwrap(), &rooms[0]);