
158 lines
4.3 KiB

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// RoomInfo has basic metadata about a room: its name, ID, etc.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct RoomInfo {
pub room_id: String,
pub room_name: String,
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Debug, sqlx::Type)]
#[sqlx(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum AccountStatus {
/// Account is not registered, which means a transient "account"
/// with limited information exists only for the duration of the
/// command request.
/// User account is fully registered, either via Matrix directly,
/// or a web UI sign-up.
/// Account is awaiting activation with a registration
/// code. Account cannot do privileged actions yet.
impl Default for AccountStatus {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Account {
/// A registered user account, stored in the database.
/// A transient account. Not stored in the database. Represents a
/// user in a public channel that has not registered directly with
/// the bot yet.
impl Account {
/// Whether or not this account is a registered user account.
pub fn is_registered(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Registered(_))
/// Gets the account status. For registered users, this is their
/// actual account status (fully registered or awaiting
/// activation). For transient users, this is
/// AccountStatus::NotRegistered.
pub fn account_status(&self) -> AccountStatus {
match self {
Self::Registered(user) => user.account_status,
Self::Transient(_) => AccountStatus::NotRegistered,
/// Consume self into an Option<User> instance, which will be Some
/// if this account has a registered user, and None otherwise.
pub fn registered_user(&self) -> Option<&User> {
match self {
Self::Registered(ref user) => Some(user),
_ => None,
/// Consume self into an Option<TransientUser> instance, which
/// will be Some if this account has a non-registered user, and
/// None otherwise.
pub fn transient_user(self) -> Option<TransientUser> {
match self {
Self::Transient(user) => Some(user),
_ => None,
impl Default for Account {
fn default() -> Self {
Account::Transient(TransientUser {
username: "".to_string(),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct TransientUser {
pub username: String,
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Debug, Default, sqlx::FromRow)]
pub struct User {
pub username: String,
pub password: Option<String>,
pub active_room: Option<String>,
pub account_status: AccountStatus,
impl User {
/// Create a new unregistered skeleton marker account for a
/// username.
pub fn unregistered(username: &str) -> User {
User {
username: username.to_owned(),
pub fn verify_password(&self, raw_password: &str) -> bool {
.and_then(|p| argon2::verify_encoded(p, raw_password.as_bytes()).ok())
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn verify_password_passes_with_correct_password() {
let user = User {
password: Some(
crate::logic::hash_password("mypassword").expect("Password hashing error!"),
assert_eq!(user.verify_password("mypassword"), true);
fn verify_password_fails_with_wrong_password() {
let user = User {
password: Some(
crate::logic::hash_password("mypassword").expect("Password hashing error!"),
assert_eq!(user.verify_password("wrong-password"), false);
fn verify_password_fails_with_no_password() {
let user = User {
password: None,
assert_eq!(user.verify_password("wrong-password"), false);