
693 lines
21 KiB

use crate::context::Context;
use crate::error::{BotError, DiceRollingError};
use crate::parser::{Amount, Element, Operator};
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fmt;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum DicePoolQuality {
impl fmt::Display for DicePoolQuality {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
DicePoolQuality::TenAgain => write!(f, "ten-again"),
DicePoolQuality::NineAgain => write!(f, "nine-again"),
DicePoolQuality::EightAgain => write!(f, "eight-again"),
DicePoolQuality::Rote => write!(f, "rote quality"),
DicePoolQuality::ChanceDie => write!(f, "chance die"),
DicePoolQuality::NoExplode => write!(f, "no roll-agains"),
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct DicePoolModifiers {
pub(crate) success_on: i32,
pub(crate) exceptional_on: i32,
pub(crate) quality: DicePoolQuality,
impl DicePoolModifiers {
pub fn default() -> DicePoolModifiers {
DicePoolModifiers {
success_on: 8,
exceptional_on: 5,
quality: DicePoolQuality::TenAgain,
pub fn custom_quality(quality: DicePoolQuality) -> DicePoolModifiers {
let success_on = if quality != DicePoolQuality::ChanceDie {
} else {
DicePoolModifiers {
success_on: success_on,
exceptional_on: 5,
quality: quality,
pub fn custom_exceptional_on(exceptional_on: i32) -> DicePoolModifiers {
DicePoolModifiers {
success_on: 8,
exceptional_on: exceptional_on,
quality: DicePoolQuality::TenAgain,
pub fn custom(quality: DicePoolQuality, exceptional_on: i32) -> DicePoolModifiers {
DicePoolModifiers {
success_on: 8,
exceptional_on: exceptional_on,
quality: quality,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct DicePool {
pub(crate) amounts: Vec<Amount>,
pub(crate) sides: i32,
pub(crate) modifiers: DicePoolModifiers,
impl DicePool {
pub fn easy_pool(dice_amount: i32, quality: DicePoolQuality) -> DicePool {
DicePool {
amounts: vec![Amount {
operator: Operator::Plus,
element: Element::Number(dice_amount),
sides: 10,
modifiers: DicePoolModifiers::custom_quality(quality),
pub fn easy_with_modifiers(dice_amount: i32, modifiers: DicePoolModifiers) -> DicePool {
DicePool {
amounts: vec![Amount {
operator: Operator::Plus,
element: Element::Number(dice_amount),
sides: 10,
modifiers: modifiers,
pub fn new(amounts: Vec<Amount>, modifiers: DicePoolModifiers) -> DicePool {
DicePool {
amounts: amounts,
sides: 10, //TODO make configurable
//TODO make configurable
modifiers: modifiers,
pub fn chance_die() -> DicePool {
DicePool::easy_pool(1, DicePoolQuality::ChanceDie)
///The result of a successfully executed roll of a dice pool. Does not
///contain the heavy information of the DicePool instance.
pub struct RolledDicePool {
pub(crate) num_dice: i32,
pub(crate) roll: DicePoolRoll,
pub(crate) modifiers: DicePoolModifiers,
impl RolledDicePool {
fn from(pool: &DicePool, num_dice: i32, rolls: Vec<i32>) -> RolledDicePool {
RolledDicePool {
modifiers: pool.modifiers,
num_dice: num_dice,
roll: DicePoolRoll {
rolls: rolls,
modifiers: pool.modifiers,
impl fmt::Display for RolledDicePool {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
"{} dice ({}, exceptional on {} successes)",
self.num_dice, self.modifiers.quality, self.modifiers.exceptional_on
///Store all rolls of the dice pool dice into one struct.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct DicePoolRoll {
modifiers: DicePoolModifiers,
rolls: Vec<i32>,
/// Amount of dice to display before cutting off and showing "and X
/// more", so we don't spam the room with huge messages.
const MAX_DISPLAYED_ROLLS: usize = 15;
fn fmt_rolls(pool: &DicePoolRoll) -> String {
let rolls = pool.rolls();
if rolls.len() > MAX_DISPLAYED_ROLLS {
let shown_amount = rolls.iter().take(MAX_DISPLAYED_ROLLS).join(", ");
"{}, and {} more",
} else {
rolls.iter().join(", ")
fn fmt_for_failure(pool: &DicePoolRoll) -> String {
match pool.modifiers.quality {
//There should only be 1 die in a chance die roll.
DicePoolQuality::ChanceDie if pool.rolls().first() == Some(&1) => {
String::from("dramatic failure!")
_ => String::from("failure!"),
impl DicePoolRoll {
pub fn rolls(&self) -> &[i32] {
pub fn successes(&self) -> i32 {
let successes = self
.filter(|&roll| roll >= self.modifiers.success_on)
pub fn is_exceptional(&self) -> bool {
self.successes() >= self.modifiers.exceptional_on
/// Attach a Context to a dice pool. Needed for database access.
pub struct DicePoolWithContext<'a>(pub &'a DicePool, pub &'a Context<'a>);
impl fmt::Display for DicePoolRoll {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let successes = self.successes();
if successes > 0 {
let success_msg = if self.is_exceptional() {
format!("{} successes (exceptional!)", successes)
} else {
format!("{} successes", successes)
write!(f, "{} ({})", success_msg, fmt_rolls(&self))?;
} else {
write!(f, "{} ({})", fmt_for_failure(&self), fmt_rolls(&self))?;
trait DieRoller {
fn roll_number(&mut self, sides: i32) -> i32;
///A version of DieRoller that uses a rand::Rng to roll numbers.
struct RngDieRoller<R: rand::Rng>(R);
impl<R: rand::Rng> DieRoller for RngDieRoller<R> {
fn roll_number(&mut self, sides: i32) -> i32 {
self.0.gen_range(1, sides + 1)
///Roll a die in the pool, that "explodes" on a given number or higher. Dice will keep
///being rolled until the result is lower than the explode number, which is normally 10.
///Statistically speaking, usually one result will be returned from this function.
fn roll_exploding_die<R: DieRoller>(
roller: &mut R,
sides: i32,
explode_on_or_higher: i32,
) -> Vec<i32> {
let mut results = vec![];
loop {
let roll = roller.roll_number(sides);
if roll < explode_on_or_higher {
///A die with the rote quality is re-rolled once if the roll fails. Otherwise, it obeys
///all normal rules (re-roll 10s). Re-rolled dice are appended to the result set, so we
///can keep track of the actual dice that were rolled.
fn roll_rote_die<R: DieRoller>(roller: &mut R, sides: i32, success_on: i32) -> Vec<i32> {
let mut rolls = roll_exploding_die(roller, sides, 10);
if rolls.len() == 1 && rolls[0] < success_on {
rolls.append(&mut roll_exploding_die(roller, sides, 10));
///Roll a single die in the pool, potentially rolling additional dice depending on pool
///behavior. The default ten-again will "explode" the die if the result is 10 (repeatedly, if
///there are multiple 10s). Nine- and eight-again will explode similarly if the result is
///at least that number. Rote quality will re-roll a failure once, while also exploding
///on 10. The function returns a Vec of all rolled dice (usually 1).
fn roll_die<R: DieRoller>(roller: &mut R, pool: &DicePool) -> Vec<i32> {
let mut results = vec![];
let sides = pool.sides;
let success_on = pool.modifiers.success_on;
match pool.modifiers.quality {
DicePoolQuality::TenAgain => results.append(&mut roll_exploding_die(roller, sides, 10)),
DicePoolQuality::NineAgain => results.append(&mut roll_exploding_die(roller, sides, 9)),
DicePoolQuality::EightAgain => results.append(&mut roll_exploding_die(roller, sides, 8)),
DicePoolQuality::Rote => results.append(&mut roll_rote_die(roller, sides, success_on)),
DicePoolQuality::ChanceDie | DicePoolQuality::NoExplode => {
fn roll_dice<'a, R: DieRoller>(pool: &DicePool, num_dice: i32, roller: &mut R) -> Vec<i32> {
.flat_map(|_| roll_die(roller, &pool))
///Roll the dice in a dice pool, according to behavior documented in the various rolling
pub async fn roll_pool(pool: &DicePoolWithContext<'_>) -> Result<RolledDicePool, BotError> {
if pool.0.amounts.len() > 100 {
return Err(DiceRollingError::ExpressionTooLarge.into());
let num_dice = crate::dice::calculate_dice_amount(&pool.0.amounts, &pool.1).await?;
let mut roller = RngDieRoller(rand::thread_rng());
if num_dice > 0 {
let rolls = roll_dice(&pool.0, num_dice, &mut roller);
Ok(RolledDicePool::from(&pool.0, num_dice, rolls))
} else {
let chance_die = DicePool::chance_die();
let pool = DicePoolWithContext(&chance_die, &pool.1);
let rolls = roll_dice(&pool.0, 1, &mut roller);
Ok(RolledDicePool::from(&pool.0, 1, rolls))
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::db::Database;
/// Create dummy room instance.
fn dummy_room() -> matrix_sdk::Room {
///Instead of being random, generate a series of numbers we have complete
///control over.
struct SequentialDieRoller {
results: Vec<i32>,
position: usize,
impl SequentialDieRoller {
fn new(results: Vec<i32>) -> SequentialDieRoller {
SequentialDieRoller {
results: results,
position: 0,
impl DieRoller for SequentialDieRoller {
fn roll_number(&mut self, _sides: i32) -> i32 {
let roll = self.results[self.position];
self.position += 1;
//Sanity checks
pub fn chance_die_has_success_on_10_test() {
assert_eq!(10, DicePool::chance_die().modifiers.success_on);
pub fn non_chance_die_has_success_on_8_test() {
fn check_success_on(quality: DicePoolQuality) {
let modifiers = DicePoolModifiers::custom_quality(quality);
let amount = vec![Amount {
operator: Operator::Plus,
element: Element::Number(1),
assert_eq!(8, DicePool::new(amount, modifiers).modifiers.success_on);
//Dice rolling tests.
pub fn ten_again_test() {
let mut roller = SequentialDieRoller::new(vec![10, 8, 1]);
let rolls = roll_exploding_die(&mut roller, 10, 10);
assert_eq!(vec![10, 8], rolls);
pub fn nine_again_test() {
let mut roller = SequentialDieRoller::new(vec![10, 9, 8, 1]);
let rolls = roll_exploding_die(&mut roller, 10, 9);
assert_eq!(vec![10, 9, 8], rolls);
pub fn eight_again_test() {
let mut roller = SequentialDieRoller::new(vec![10, 9, 8, 8, 1]);
let rolls = roll_exploding_die(&mut roller, 10, 8);
assert_eq!(vec![10, 9, 8, 8, 1], rolls);
pub fn rote_quality_fail_then_succeed_test() {
let mut roller = SequentialDieRoller::new(vec![5, 8, 1]);
let rolls = roll_rote_die(&mut roller, 10, 8);
assert_eq!(vec![5, 8], rolls);
pub fn rote_quality_fail_twice_test() {
let mut roller = SequentialDieRoller::new(vec![5, 6, 10]);
let rolls = roll_rote_die(&mut roller, 10, 8);
assert_eq!(vec![5, 6], rolls);
pub fn rote_quality_fail_then_explode_test() {
let mut roller = SequentialDieRoller::new(vec![5, 10, 8, 1]);
let rolls = roll_rote_die(&mut roller, 10, 8);
assert_eq!(vec![5, 10, 8], rolls);
pub fn rote_quality_obeys_success_on_test() {
//With success_on = 8, should only roll once.
let mut roller = SequentialDieRoller::new(vec![8, 7]);
let rolls = roll_rote_die(&mut roller, 10, 8);
assert_eq!(vec![8], rolls);
//With success_on = 9, we should re-roll if it's an 8.
roller = SequentialDieRoller::new(vec![8, 7]);
let rolls = roll_rote_die(&mut roller, 10, 9);
assert_eq!(vec![8, 7], rolls);
fn dice_pool_modifiers_chance_die_test() {
let modifiers = DicePoolModifiers::custom_quality(DicePoolQuality::ChanceDie);
assert_eq!(10, modifiers.success_on);
fn dice_pool_modifiers_default_sanity_check() {
let modifiers = DicePoolModifiers::default();
assert_eq!(8, modifiers.success_on);
assert_eq!(5, modifiers.exceptional_on);
assert_eq!(DicePoolQuality::TenAgain, modifiers.quality);
pub fn no_explode_roll_test() {
let pool = DicePool::easy_pool(1, DicePoolQuality::NoExplode);
let mut roller = SequentialDieRoller::new(vec![10, 8]);
let roll = roll_dice(&pool, 1, &mut roller);
assert_eq!(vec![10], roll);
async fn number_of_dice_equality_test() {
let num_dice = 5;
let rolls = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let pool = DicePool::easy_pool(5, DicePoolQuality::TenAgain);
let rolled_pool = RolledDicePool::from(&pool, num_dice, rolls);
assert_eq!(5, rolled_pool.num_dice);
async fn rejects_large_expression_test() {
let db = Database::new_temp().unwrap();
let ctx = Context {
db: db,
matrix_client: &matrix_sdk::Client::new("http://example.com").unwrap(),
room: &dummy_room(),
username: "username",
message_body: "message",
let mut amounts = vec![];
for _ in 0..500 {
amounts.push(Amount {
operator: Operator::Plus,
element: Element::Number(1),
let pool = DicePool::new(amounts, DicePoolModifiers::default());
let pool_with_ctx = DicePoolWithContext(&pool, &ctx);
let result = roll_pool(&pool_with_ctx).await;
async fn converts_to_chance_die_test() {
let db = Database::new_temp().unwrap();
let ctx = Context {
db: db,
matrix_client: &matrix_sdk::Client::new("http://example.com").unwrap(),
room: &dummy_room(),
username: "username",
message_body: "message",
let mut amounts = vec![];
amounts.push(Amount {
operator: Operator::Plus,
element: Element::Number(-1),
let pool = DicePool::new(amounts, DicePoolModifiers::default());
let pool_with_ctx = DicePoolWithContext(&pool, &ctx);
let result = roll_pool(&pool_with_ctx).await;
let roll = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(DicePoolQuality::ChanceDie, roll.modifiers.quality);
assert_eq!(1, roll.num_dice);
async fn can_resolve_variables_test() {
use crate::db::variables::UserAndRoom;
let db = Database::new_temp().unwrap();
let ctx = Context {
db: db.clone(),
matrix_client: &matrix_sdk::Client::new("http://example.com").unwrap(),
room: &dummy_room(),
username: "username",
message_body: "message",
let user_and_room = UserAndRoom(&ctx.username, &ctx.room.room_id.as_str());
.set_user_variable(&user_and_room, "myvariable", 10)
.expect("could not set myvariable to 10");
let amounts = vec![Amount {
operator: Operator::Plus,
element: Element::Variable("myvariable".to_owned()),
let pool = DicePool::new(amounts, DicePoolModifiers::default());
crate::dice::calculate_dice_amount(&pool.amounts, &ctx)
//DicePool tests
fn easy_pool_chance_die_test() {
let pool = DicePool::easy_pool(1, DicePoolQuality::ChanceDie);
assert_eq!(10, pool.modifiers.success_on);
fn easy_pool_quality_test() {
fn check_quality(quality: DicePoolQuality) {
let pool = DicePool::easy_pool(1, quality);
assert_eq!(quality, pool.modifiers.quality);
fn is_successful_on_equal_test() {
let result = DicePoolRoll {
rolls: vec![8],
modifiers: DicePoolModifiers {
exceptional_on: 5,
success_on: 8,
quality: DicePoolQuality::TenAgain,
assert_eq!(1, result.successes());
fn chance_die_success_test() {
let result = DicePoolRoll {
rolls: vec![10],
modifiers: DicePoolModifiers {
exceptional_on: 5,
success_on: 10,
quality: DicePoolQuality::ChanceDie,
assert_eq!(1, result.successes());
fn chance_die_fail_test() {
let result = DicePoolRoll {
rolls: vec![9],
modifiers: DicePoolModifiers {
exceptional_on: 5,
success_on: 10,
quality: DicePoolQuality::ChanceDie,
assert_eq!(0, result.successes());
fn is_exceptional_test() {
let result = DicePoolRoll {
rolls: vec![8, 8, 9, 10, 8],
modifiers: DicePoolModifiers {
exceptional_on: 5,
success_on: 8,
quality: DicePoolQuality::TenAgain,
assert_eq!(5, result.successes());
assert_eq!(true, result.is_exceptional());
fn is_not_exceptional_test() {
let result = DicePoolRoll {
rolls: vec![8, 8, 9, 10],
modifiers: DicePoolModifiers::default(),
assert_eq!(4, result.successes());
assert_eq!(false, result.is_exceptional());
//Format tests
fn formats_dramatic_failure_test() {
let result = DicePoolRoll {
rolls: vec![1],
modifiers: DicePoolModifiers::custom_quality(DicePoolQuality::ChanceDie),
assert_eq!("dramatic failure!", fmt_for_failure(&result));
fn formats_regular_failure_when_not_chance_die_test() {
let result = DicePoolRoll {
rolls: vec![1],
modifiers: DicePoolModifiers {
quality: DicePoolQuality::TenAgain,
exceptional_on: 5,
success_on: 10,
assert_eq!("failure!", fmt_for_failure(&result));
fn formats_lots_of_dice_test() {
let result = DicePoolRoll {
modifiers: DicePoolModifiers::default(),
rolls: vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 4 more",