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How to track how late buses are:
- Download bus route data
- Insert raw bus positions into timescaledb/postGIS table?
- "Fan-out" JSON responses into one DB row per datapoint.
- Download routes/stops.
- There is an endpoint called Stops.
- There is an endpoint called Timetable, which takes a route number (along with day of week etc).
- The timetable response includes a list of stops in the route, along with the route ID.
- There is an endpoint called BusLocationByStop, which takes a
stop ID as a parameter.
- This information has upcoming arrivals, included estimated arrival time, along with the current position of the bus.
- Record stop info every few minutes, notably the arrivals.
- This will be annoying to do only in DB since we have a trigger for bus positions.
- Analyze actual arrival vs what the stop endpoint said about the
- Use PostGIS to compute "bus arrived" event: When bus is within X meters of a stop on its route, mark that as an arrival event.
- Sanity check potential arrivals by removing values that are weird:
- Bus does not belong to the route on the stop.
- Bus not lingering at stop long enough. (e.g. driver goes right past).
- ???
- Once we have bus arrival events, we can compare them to arrivals throughout the day.
- We can then discard the raw bus position data, as it's not needed to store it: delete every raw data point between the last arrival and the newly computed one.
Downloading route data:
- Fuck using GraphQL!
- https://straeto.is/en/about-straeto/open-data
- https://straeto.is/en/about-straeto/open-data/real-time-data
- https://github.com/public-transport/gtfs-via-postgres
Arrival computation:
- Can use edge functions for this?
- Function takes a bus route number, start time, end time.
- Cron in DB calls the edge functions, using state as function inputs.
- state = last interval end time, so we can properly calculate time interval to check.
- or rather use last ID in the raw table, so we don't skip entries.
- Query DB to get raw bus positions in the interval.
- Query DB to get all stops on the route (during the interval? some stops not in use sometimes)
- For each bus ID, find the raw position where its lat,lon are X meters away from stop lat,lons.
- These are arrival times for this bus ID, at each stop.
- Insert into arrivals.
- After all arrivals computed, drop all raw positions for this bus from DB.
Useful stuff:
SELECT buses_at_stops.* FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON (s.id, h.measured_at) s.id, s.stop_name, ST_AsText(s.coords) as stop_coords, h.measured_at, h.bus_id, ST_AsText(h.coords) as bus_coords, ST_Distance(s.coords, h.coords) as distance
FROM bus_stops s
JOIN raw_bus_positions h ON ST_DWithin(s.coords, h.coords, 30)) AS buses_at_stops
WHERE buses_at_stops.bus_id like '1%'
ORDER BY buses_at_stops.measured_at desc;