Refactor keep-drop parsing into function, better error handling. (#93)
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details

This commit refactors the keep-drop parsing into two separate
functions: one for extracting keep-drop text, and one for actually
doing something with the extracted values. An intermediate enum is
introduced to contain extracted text, instead of relying on Ok/Err
values directly for figuring out what to do with the values.

This allows us to express "this behavior is correct, and all others
are not" instead of using a "fall back to secondary functionality"

Reviewed-on: #93
Co-Authored-By: projectmoon <>
Co-Committed-By: projectmoon <>
This commit is contained in:
projectmoon 2021-09-30 21:16:00 +00:00
parent 126548d868
commit ee3ec18e06
2 changed files with 94 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
use std::fmt;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
//Old stuff, for regular dice rolling. To be moved elsewhere.
/// A basic dice roll, in XdY notation, like "1d4" or "3d6".
/// Optionally supports D&D advantage/disadvantge keep-or-drop
/// functionality.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Dice {
pub(crate) count: u32,
@ -15,26 +16,42 @@ pub struct Dice {
pub(crate) keep_drop: KeepOrDrop,
/// Enum indicating how to handle bonuses or penalties using extra
/// dice. If set to Keep, the roll will keep the highest X number of
/// dice in the roll, and add those together. If set to Drop, the
/// opposite is performed, and the lowest X number of dice are added
/// instead. If set to None, then all dice in the roll are added up as
/// normal.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum KeepOrDrop {
/// Keep only the X highest dice for adding up to the total.
/// Keep only the X lowest dice (i.e. drop the highest) for adding
/// up to the total.
/// Add up all dice in the roll for the total.
impl fmt::Display for Dice {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self.keep_drop {
KeepOrDrop::Keep(keep) => write!(f, "{}d{}k{}", self.count, self.sides, keep),
KeepOrDrop::Drop(drop) => write!(f, "{}d{}dh{}", self.count, self.sides, drop),
KeepOrDrop::None => write!(f, "{}d{}", self.count, self.sides),
KeepOrDrop::None => write!(f, "{}d{}", self.count, self.sides),
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum KeepOrDrop {
Keep (u32),
Drop (u32),
impl Dice {
pub fn new(count: u32, sides: u32, keep_drop: KeepOrDrop) -> Dice {
Dice { count, sides, keep_drop }
Dice {

View File

@ -33,6 +33,14 @@ enum Sign {
/// Intermediate parsed value for a keep-drop expression to indicate
/// which one it is.
enum ParsedKeepOrDrop<'a> {
Keep(&'a str),
Drop(&'a str),
macro_rules! too_big {
($input: expr) => {
NomErr::Error(($input, NomErrorKind::TooLarge))
@ -41,50 +49,58 @@ macro_rules! too_big {
/// Parse a dice expression. Does not eat whitespace
fn parse_dice(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Dice> {
// parse main dice expression
let (input, (count, _, sides)) = tuple((digit1, tag("d"), digit1))(input)?;
// check for keep expression to keep highest dice (2d20k1)
let (keep, input) = match tuple::<&str, _, (_, _), _>((tag("k"), digit1))(input) {
// if ok, keep expression is present
Ok((rest, (_, keep_amount))) => (keep_amount, rest),
// otherwise absent and keep all dice
Err(_) => ("", input),
// check for drop expression to drop highest dice (2d20dh1)
let (drop, input) = match tuple::<&str, _, (_, _), _>((tag("dh"), digit1))(input) {
// if ok, keep expression is present
Ok((rest, (_, drop_amount))) => (drop_amount, rest),
// otherwise absent and keep all dice
Err(_) => ("", input),
let count: u32 = count.parse().map_err(|_| too_big!(count))?;
let sides = sides.parse().map_err(|_| too_big!(sides))?;
let (input, keep_drop) = parse_keep_or_drop(input, count)?;
Ok((input, Dice::new(count, sides, keep_drop)))
// don't allow keep greater than number of dice, and don't allow keep zero
let keep_drop = match keep.parse::<u32>() {
// Ok, there's a keep value, check and create Keep
Ok(i) => match i {
_i if _i > count || _i == 0 => KeepOrDrop::None,
i => KeepOrDrop::Keep(i),
/// Extract keep/drop number as a string. Fails if the value is not a
/// string.
fn parse_keep_or_drop_text<'a>(
symbol: &'a str,
input: &'a str,
) -> IResult<&'a str, ParsedKeepOrDrop<'a>> {
let (parsed_kd, input) = match tuple::<&str, _, (_, _), _>((tag(symbol), digit1))(input) {
// if ok, one of the expressions is present
Ok((rest, (_, kd_expr))) => match symbol {
"k" => (ParsedKeepOrDrop::Keep(kd_expr), rest),
"dh" => (ParsedKeepOrDrop::Drop(kd_expr), rest),
_ => panic!("Unrecogized keep-drop symbol: {}", symbol),
// Err, check if drop works
Err(_) => {
match drop.parse::<u32>() {
// Ok, there's a drop value, check and create Drop
Ok(i) => match i {
_i if i >= count => KeepOrDrop::None,
i => KeepOrDrop::Drop(i),
// Err, there's neither keep nor drop
Err(_) => KeepOrDrop::None,
// otherwise absent (attempt to keep all dice)
Err(_) => (ParsedKeepOrDrop::NotPresent, input),
let sides = sides.parse().map_err(|_| too_big!(sides))?;
Ok((input, Dice::new(count, sides, keep_drop)))
Ok((input, parsed_kd))
/// Parse keep/drop expression, which consits of "k" or "dh" following
/// a dice expression. For example, "1d4h3" or "1d4dh2".
fn parse_keep_or_drop<'a>(input: &'a str, count: u32) -> IResult<&'a str, KeepOrDrop> {
let (input, keep) = parse_keep_or_drop_text("k", input)?;
let (input, drop) = parse_keep_or_drop_text("dh", input)?;
use ParsedKeepOrDrop::*;
let keep_drop: KeepOrDrop = match (keep, drop) {
//Potential valid Keep expression.
(Keep(keep), NotPresent) => match keep.parse().map_err(|_| too_big!(input))? {
_i if _i > count || _i == 0 => Ok(KeepOrDrop::None),
i => Ok(KeepOrDrop::Keep(i)),
//Potential valid Drop expression.
(NotPresent, Drop(drop)) => match drop.parse().map_err(|_| too_big!(input))? {
_i if _i >= count => Ok(KeepOrDrop::None),
i => Ok(KeepOrDrop::Drop(i)),
//No Keep or Drop specified; regular behavior.
(NotPresent, NotPresent) => Ok(KeepOrDrop::None),
//Anything else is an error.
_ => Err(NomErr::Error((input, NomErrorKind::Many1))),
Ok((input, keep_drop))
// Parse a single digit expression. Does not eat whitespace
@ -205,6 +221,18 @@ mod tests {
fn cant_have_both_keep_and_drop_test() {
let res = parse_dice("1d4k3dh2");
match res {
Err(NomErr::Error((_, kind))) => {
assert_eq!(kind, NomErrorKind::Many1);
_ => panic!("Got success, expected error"),
fn big_number_of_dice_doesnt_crash_test() {
let res = parse_dice("64378631476346123874527551481376547657868536d4");