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Personal Gentoo overlay, focusing mostly on needed tools and compatibility for the Librem 14 computer.

Available packages:

  • dev-util/rust-analyzer-bin: A properly versioned ebuild of rust-analyzer-bin.
  • sys-kernel/gnu-sources: An analog to gentoo-sources that tracks the sources of the Linux-libre kernel. An updated version of virtual/linux-sources also accompanies this package.
  • sys-kernel/librem-ec-acpi: An ebuild packaging the Librem 14 EC ACPI kernel module, necessary for proper functioning of the laptop's battery charging and function keys.

How to Add This Repository

Using eselect-repository:

# eselect repository add projectmoon git

Using the Linux-libre Kernel with Gentoo

The sys-kernel/gnu-sources package tracks the current stable gentoo-sources version for the amd64 architecture. To use it, make sure both sys-kernel/gnu-sources and virtual/linux-sources from the overlay are unmasked and accepted. Then emerge sys-kernel/gnu-sources.

The Linux-libre sources operate like any other kernel source package in Gentoo. To use it, you must mark it as the selected kernel with eselect kernel, and then build and install it with genkernel or manual kernel compilation.

Using the Librem EC ACPI kernel module

The Librem EC ACPI kernel module should install and be automatically available (via modprobe) after installation, using emerge sys-kernel/librem-ec-acpi. The module is currently installed to /lib/modules/<kernel>/librem/.

When upgrading or installing a new kernel, you will need to do emerge @modules-rebuild to install the module for the new kernel.