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How to create new version of the Firefox PWA Connector:

  • Check Firefox PWA repo for new version.
  • Pull latest changes of repo and check out proper tag.
  • Run cargo vendor in the repo.
  • Create tarball of vendored cargo deps: tar -czvf vendor-X.Y.Z.tar.gz vendor/.
  • Move vendor tarball to the overlay files repo under www-plugins/firefox-pwa-connector.
  • Push vendored tarball for new version.
  • Copy over ebuild to new version.
  • Check the Cargo.toml of the connector for any new git deps, and add to the git crates if necessary. Cargo.lock can be checked to find the proper commit hashes.
  • Check repo Makefile.toml for any new installation instructions for the Linux target. Replicate in src_install phase.